Baby Boomers Retirement Problems

“Approximately 78 Million Baby Boomers at or near retirement”.

That headline from September 2015 is one of about twenty dominating a search on this topic, baby boomers retirement problems.

baby boomersMany baby boomers retire each day – to the count of 10,000, in the US. Since that “boom” was related to a set of years, I assume that retirement numbers are similar in many other countries.

Who are the baby boomers? “Baby boomers are people born during the demographic post–World War II baby boom approximately between the years 1946 and 1964.” – From Wikipedia.

Average Retirement Savings Baby Boomers Issues:

  • Baby boomers retirement shortfalls
  • Millennials alert your parents about retirement 10,000 per day reaching the age of 65
  • Boomers may live through decades of retirement

foraging for food“it’s almost like the millions of seniors living in poverty are invisible.”– Neera Tandeera of Center For American Progress

An increase in extreme poverty, defined as living below the annual income of $12,000.00, and deemed to include about six and a half million seniors in the US today, is more likely experienced by:

  • Women
  • Persons of color
  • Persons with health problems

Baby boomer women are impacted by:

  • Shorter number of years in the work force
  • Smaller paychecks even in the top five percent controlling over fifty percent of assets
  • Longer life spans
  • Widowhood
  • Early retirement to care for elders
  • Loss of property and pension savings due to divorce

Similar to the Climate Change crisis, public policy is blinded concerning the looming retirement crisis involving homelessness and the “food-insecure” population.

Food insecurity is different from hunger. Many seniors can be food insecure because their access to food is impaired. Trapped with a low income they are:

  • Without a vehicle
  • Disabled and cannot shop for themselves
  • Don’t understand how to tap the system for help (meals on wheels for example)
  • Live in isolated areas without a senior ride system
  • Suffer from depression and anxiety and don’t reach out

And there’s more to be concerned about! But, track with me, because I’m heading toward a solution for you.

Jim Tankersley, journalist, blames Baby Boomers for everything that’s “wrong with America’s economy”.

While he notes a couple of times in his article that it wasn’t intentional, he states that boomers have “pillaged” the economy for decades. He thinks that now retirees should be taxed extra to “pay back” the advantages they had, instead of receiving any benefits!

(Washington Post November 5, 2015)

So does he mean that 78 million retired individuals are responsible for the following?

  • Moving factory jobs overseas
  • Deficit funding never ending wars
  • Creating climate change
  • Polluting the planet with the use of fossil fuels
  • Allowing Congress to allow all this?

While his article is well presented and covers pertinent details, it ignores the fact that policy makers pretty well cater to the multinational corporations that do not function in America’s (or in any country’s) interest, as opposed to serving their constituents. However, that’s a separate problem.

Baby boomers retirement problems are multi-fold! Yet most just need one thing!

need more moneyThey need more money!

Regardless of how seniors arrived where they are now, with fifty percent of us in financial jeopardy, and the next forty percent retiring with an annual income scarcely above the official poverty amount, what can a person or couple do now?

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Disabled Veterans Jobs

It is tragic that disabled veterans aren’t retired with better benefits. Many have skills that could be utilized with starting an at home business. (At NO COST to them!)

There are tons of scams about working on line. They are time wasting and money losing, for sure. Everyone should be skeptical about offers on writing a blog for money.

I really want to help you, if you’re one of the baby boomers with retirement problems, or looking for disabled veterans jobs.

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writing blogs for moneyEven if you’re unfamiliar with working on computers, or web site building, or even writing – you can do this!

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You can have this advantage! Click now to walk away from your baby boomer retirement problems.

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If you have any questions or comments, please contact me below!


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