What Can I Write A Blog About

What Can I Write A Blog About?

The Smartblogger site, a blog site which makes about $100,000.00 a month, advises getting started with Affiliate Marketing as the best business strategy. So there’s a professional answer to “what can I write a blog about”? Marketing on line.

I enjoyed reading that fact from author Jon Morrow who has been in the business of blogging for eight years.

This page isn’t so much about  “what-is” or “how-to”. The links however, go to pages that are. This page is to prod your imagination and hopefully get you excited about blog writing for money.learn to work on the internet

I explain Affiliate Marketing HERE.

People ask me about making fast blog income, if it’s possible. I have to say no,  because a money making website takes time and knowledge to build. I am going to tell you where to learn what you need to know.

My goal is to help you get past any self doubts you might have about your ability to create an effective home business.

Not everyone with talent for writing or a charming personality can create a blog that makes money.

How To Start With An Online Business

My Getting Started page is a general overview which gives you access to an affiliate marketing Starter Account where you can make a blog for free online.Two, actually. This page contains more specifics.

So in the sequence of steps you will make, or perhaps have just opted for, in how to set up a blog for free, you:

  • Log on through your $0.00 Starter Account at the Wealthy Affiliate website
  • Begin the training classroom
  • Get your first domain name “mynewblog”…for site #1
  • And then you get to a training video about the content that you will put onto your blog first

The reason why I urge you to “just do it” is because you will be able to walk through a lot of the nitty-gritty start just do ithow-to’s just the same as a paid member can. No money, no commitment needed. Just take advantage of the free trial time!

I know you will soon understand that the information you’re getting far outweighs talent and charm.

Privacy Policy Online

One important legal issue a website deals with is a Privacy Policy. This page of your website explains to readers that their privacy is protected and that your site does not collect data on a person who is simply visiting to read your information.

It covers other details that many readers never think about, however, it is good to provide the more curious with all the information they want.

Among the many things you get from membership with Wealthy Affiliate is a pre-written standard Privacy Policy covering all the bases for you.

You can copy/paste it and insert “mysite.siterubix.com” where applicable. (Site rubix is the training platform used to practice building a blog properly, with no financial outlay).

How To Set Up A Blog For Free

During the training trial period you will also see a tutorial covering the topic of finding a niche product, or product category, which you would like to promote.

You will learn how to research the competitive factors surrounding that topic. This is a crucial step in the process of your blog set up.

Searching takes time, yet will save you a lot of time and energy. You don’t want to start a site and then abandon it because you weren’t aware of the competition. (been there done that!)

“So – what CAN I write a blog about?”

You are about to create a self-employed position for yourself. And you want to love your job, right? Consider:

  • What do you love to talk about?
  • Dream about?
  • Love to collect?
  • Are an expert in?
  • Have a medical condition (or know someone who does) you’ve become knowledgeable about?

And consider what other people buy, in relation to each of those topics:

  • Parts
  • Accessories
  • Updates
  • Books about
  • Services needed for

Your reader clicks from your article to make a purchase from a store (Amazon, Target, Home Depot, etc.,) and after a short period of time, to account for returns, you get  paid your affiliate commission.

How To Create Effective Content For A Website

What I love about the Wealthy Affiliate training is that it is designed to generate ideas for blog content. It is well organized and you will DO, not just view as you go.

Your practice blogs won’t be wasted! You can transfer all the content to a dot com and keep building. (Discount prices!)

Get your free Starter Account – view as many classrooms as you can – and write down your ideas for “what can I write a blog about?“!

Please contact me below if you have any questions or comments.


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