I just did a search online with the above title and similar phrases. Taking the first ten results, I can categorize most of them in the “delusions” list.
Wouldn’t you prefer to earn money at home online with realistic expectations?
Earn Money At Home Online With – What Exactly?
The first result tells us as a number one of fifty, “start a blog or online business”. Sure just go do that. His further instructions are useful and not at all deceptive. He advises you to click over Bluehost and it will cost you only $2.95 a month to have a blog there. This is called hosting.
That is a great price. He further instructs with screen shots, how to get to the control panel and install WordPress.
Huh – whaaa? If you are beginner, this is difficult. Not that you can’t figure it out, but there are easier ways.
CLICK HERE to build a blog with no control panel and no installing anything. You will still get WordPress.
That’s easier, isn’t it?
CLICK HERE to learn about WordPress, which is a management system for writing web sites.
The link above takes you to a blog building system with two crucial features:
- The WordPress platform is further automated in several ways to start you fast
- The style of blog you will build is designed for a business blog to help you earn money at home
You now have a week to start professional training and create your blog, no money asked for.
No payment method asked for!
Notice Your Dream Ideas – Their Value
Have you ever done two or more weeks of the following:
- Travel overseas
- Camping
- Barge tour
- River cruise
- Ocean cruise
- RV tour
And, when it’s time to go home you thought
“I wish I could do that and somehow incorporate it into my job!”
The good news is that you can! Writing about things you love, in a specific way, can result in income.
If you were to click on the “click here to build a blog” link above, you would have to simply give a name and email address to begin. No credit card or payment method is required.
You will be instructed to pick a niche, or narrow topic of interest that you might promote to others.
Then you will pick a domain name like “myfavoritetopic” for what will become a dot com registered name, that shows on the internet.
You will be shown how to put up a couple of legally required pages, and be given a template for them. All written for you, and you will insert your blog name where appropriate.
Your hand will be held all the way through this, with videos, and much Q&A in the discussions you can access.
Dream Ideas On A Solid Foundation
Firstly, how could you ever manifest an income earning “vacation life” as in the day dreaming above?
Could you write about travel and make a commission on sales of items people need to travel?
CLICK HERE to see this carry on backpack.
CLICK to view this carry on backpack duffle bag
CLICK to check this out- a rolling backpack carry-on.!
Could you write about camping and make commissions on sales of
Gotta have one of these camping canopies! Click to see.
Wow – a rooftop light weight cargo bag! I need one!
Those links go to Amazon and are called affiliate links.
That means that if a reader buys from there, I get a commission (or you will, on your blog). More details are outlined in my article How To Learn Online Marketing For Seniors.
I won’t repeat it all here. And more, you don’t even need to know any of that when you start a blog. You will be walked through every step in its proper sequence, and you have seven days to devote to this, with no financial investment.
One important step is to fill out your profile. You will make some good buddies in this community. They will help you make the best use of your free trial period when you have questions.
Other Common Suggestions For Making Money Online
Filling out surveys is a big one. You can do that eight hours a day and earn $5.00 Amazon gift cards, or other coupon type things. That will never grow to be an income where you won’t have to worry about paying the bills.
You are interested in earning a living online, right?
Not in just making a couple of hundred dollars/Euros/Pounds a month.
As a senior needing more money in retirement, you won’t qualify for most of these surveys. They are designed for people who are building or restoring households with large consumer goods. Qualifying for surveys takes more time than most of the surveys.
There are good suggestions on this list of fifty, and the best ones require technical know how, certain educational levels, writing experience (and talent) and virtual administrative skills.
Those may be good ones for you. You will be a freelancer, and will have to promote yourself and find your own jobs. Check out my article How To Make A Living On Fiverr.
This web site is all about how to make a good blog.
The focus of the blog training I recommended with the “click here” link is a business focus. The building steps are deliberately selected so you can develop your site in a friendly and welcoming manner, yet lead to income.
Those are the blogs you prefer, right? Informative, but friendly and accessible?
Make Work Fun
If you haven’t reached retirement age with $1.5 million in savings, you are going to be working.
Whether you’re over 60 now, or younger, it is a good time to plan how you will earn money. If you really love your nine to five job you can just keep going until “something happens”
Often jobs end without warning. A business gets sold and moved to another location. The management decides to get rid of everyone and hire younger people for half the pay.
Blogging is work and requires consistency and time management. It can be fun! Here is a little history about blogging.
You are your own boss however, and you can adjust your schedule to what is comfortable for you. You can play the music you like while working. You can take a break and go run the dog.
You can RV around the country and keep working. You can blog on a train!
You can re-design your life according to your own interests and health needs.
Doesn’t that smell like freedom?

Have you tried any blogging yourself, or any kind of side hustle? Do share your experience! Use the comment box below.

There’s actually a lot of ways for seniors to make money online. Like you said, filling out surveys won’t result in large amounts of income, but there are other ways. If they enjoy crafting or a hobby that involves them creating stuff (blankets, clothing etc. . .), then they could sell their stuff on eBay, Amazon, Etsy and so on.
Hi Nate, thanks for your feedback here. I think it’s true – I don’t know one senior who hasn’t developed skills over their working decades, that can’t translate into a revenue stream.
One of my favorite stories is that of a fabric designer who created a pattern adult coloring book series and made $350,000.00 in her first year. Wow!
People really have to acknowledge their own talents!
After reading your article, I found out that you have discussed in your post about how to Earn Money At Home On line With No Delusions.I am very excited to read your article because I learn many important tips about on line home business from your article. About your explanation , There are number of ways to earn money on line like The affiliate marketing method of earning is where you promote someone else’s products by sending web traffic to their sales page. You also told that to make Amazon gift cards and make a living on Fiverr and with a good blog , anyone can earn money. But I have two question about that How do I make money in an easier way? and How to make a good blog? Thanks for this article.
Hi JF! There are indeed different ways to make money online. Individuals have different talents, and they must choose according to their highest interest, and what they have some experience in.
Whatever a person chooses, they do need a good blog to promote their online business.
That’s why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate for training. You must work hard, but you won’t waste time!
You did some interesting research here on making money online. You have many good ideas on how to develop an online income with one’s interests and experiences.
Good explanation of affiliate links and making money on Amazon and Fiverr. I also agree with making work fun.
When you enjoy what you do you never have to retire. It simply becomes part of your lifestyle. Thanks so much for your great insights and ideas. Much appreciated.
Hello Joseph, and thanks for your input here. I do strive to help seniors (and the disabled confined to their home) find a way to earn money with their computers. We all have some things in the way of interests or hobbies that can become a subject of a marketing blog.