Are you among the demographic of seniors who would like to make some additional revenue in retirement? Is there a special place on the web where an inexperienced blogger can learn how to learn online marketing for seniors? Yes, there is and I am going to tell you about it.
When To Retire From Work
For some people, when to stop working (outside of the home, or for someone else) is an idea they avoid. What’s to lose?
- Community
- A sense of structure
- A sense of purpose
- Keeping abreast of the constantly changing social norms
- The paycheck!
- A sense of security
- A long held routine
- Creativity and the rewards experienced in some lines of work
And what if you don’t even want to retire? I found this article today which is quite interesting,
“I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Retire.Here’s Why.”
(you can click on that for the whole article)
Here’s her conclusion:
“Not earning an income for what could be a
30-year period or longer is a scary prospect, but if you find a job that brings you true enjoyment, you’ll be more motivated to keep at it in some form when you’re older, thereby buying yourself the financial security so many seniors crave.”
Help I Don’t Get It
But what if you’re not one of those lucky seniors with especially inspiring jobs. Or what if you don’t have a job, and maybe have never had a job with great retirement benefits, as those pensions are no longer the norm.
You are curious about making money with your computer, right? How does one even begin?
Without the right training, you’ll never get it.
Competition is fierce.
You read about the amazing opportunities every day, don’t you?
- Make money on line for free – not!
- Make $20,000 a week online – not really an opportunity for most of us
What are the chances that you can learn enough (without taking years) to “get it” and achieve a measure of financial success to make your senior years more satisfying, more secure?
First, you need to build a blog that is set up properly to support marketing. You can click on these articles below to learn more:
I Want To Work For Myself What Should I Do
How To Build A Blog With WordPress
Health Benefits Of Working At Home
These will give you a range of ideas to help you shape a vision of your future in marketing online.
Learn The Business Of Writing A Blog – The Right Way
If you’re ready to start, you can simply click on the link below to join a blogging community.
You can learn a lot in seven days.
You need a computer and a connection to the web.
You don’t need additional software like Microsoft Office, you don’t need to spend any money on a word processing suite, or download the free one.
You will get two free web sites to practice on, and they will be live on the web in a very short time.
You will learn how to write, edit, add pictures, make headlines, and create an attractive post.
You will learn how to add the About Me (You) page. You will learn about the mandatory Disclosure page where you explain to your market how you earn commissions when they link to a shop from your blog.
HERE is mine, as an example.
I also have a notice that shows regardless of what page you’re on within my site, an Amazon link disclosure. That’s because occasionally in my posts, I recommend an Amazon product that when purchased from my link, makes me a commission.
There are many more retailers you can work with this way.
See how this works? Isn’t that exciting?
The Exact Benefits Of Wealthy Affiliate Training
Wealthy Affiliate is a huge blogging community of the lesser experienced, including beginners, and the very experienced business people who will help you along your way. As to the benefits:
- No coding needed
- No Control Panel experience needed, no uploading any software to build your site on
- Once you log in for the free seven days, you will be guided through the basic training, no time wasted!
- Each lesson is “doing”, not simply reading about “how to”
- Each lesson has a discussion thread with questions and answers
I read an article someone at Wealthy Affiliate posted today. He has been marketing on line for years, and he has obtained results that you may get too.
He reports $10,000.00 sales results in August, 2018. Yes!
This successful marketer emphasizes all the important points of progressing with an online business:
Follow the program
Keep following the program
Reach out when you need help (it is a 24/7 world wide community)
Monetize your site with affiliate sales links (like Amazon, Home Depot and many more)
Move on to display ads once you have gained some traction (you get paid for leads)
Your no cost training week includes much more information provided about the details of blog building, choosing attractive and appropriate looking themes, writing easy to read posts and even color selections.
Themes are supplied by WordPress for free. WordPress is the software you will use when you build your blog.
Another great benefit of the Wealthy Affiliate community is that while the rules and popular formats of blogging on the web can change, bloggers are updated immediately with the new information and how to apply it.
You are never left on your own to figure things out.
Wrapping It Up…
Those reasons above are why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate training to learn blog building and writing the correct way.
You will learn that you can choose your products or category of products to promote. You never have to grind out information about things you’re not personally enthusiastic about.
If you make your own products to sell, for example on a site like Etsy, you can build a blog that will direct shoppers to your Etsy shop.
You can set up shop within Amazon, promote it with a blog, and ship to Amazon which in turn will deliver purchases to your buyers.
There are so many ways you can set up a business for online marketing. Each to his/her own!
You can succeed with a properly built marketing blog. It is work and requires consistency. The easy part is you need a much smaller financial investment to get started, and a low and predictable financial output to continue.
Have you tried blogging before? Have you searched for the right data on online marketing? Please do share your story – use the comment box below.

Hello Dianne,
Thanks for such a motivating article. You have no idea how many ‘more mature folks’ are in this boat. I will send your article to a few of my friends. I love your suggested platform – Wealthy Affiliate and I love your articles of success that you have referred to. This makes the whole effort ‘doable’ as long as anyone is seriously committed to their success. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Michelle and thanks for your input…yes we seniors really need a leg up these days! Thank you for sharing this article with your friends. I truly aspire to help seniors and on line beginners to find a way to learn a business without wasting years of time trying to get ahead with the incomplete “bandaid” trainings. Regards!