Blog For Money Sites

Blog For Money Sites

This website is focused on the theme of creating blog for money sites. It is also focused on seniors heading for retirement with not enough money saved to stop working completely.

The last ten years have been disastrous for people over 50 and over 60 especially, as many have been laid off (code for forcibly retired), lost homes and retirement investments because of the banking scandals.

There is help!

What if there is a way for you to:

Click on those links above to see how the training I recommend for learning affiliate marketing, is presented for different seniors’ lifestyle needs, over the scope of this web site.

blog writing for money

Senior Blog Sites

  • You support affiliate marketers all the time! Many are authors of senior blog sites.
  • You find an article about an amazon product you want to buy
  • The material helps you decide that it’s what you indeed want
  • You click to amazon and purchase

That blog writer gets a commission on your total purchases you make during that shopping event. Does that mean you pay more? No.

Same if you shop that way (clicking through a writer’s link) on Target, Walmart, Home Depot and many more retail sites.

Writing A Blog For Money History

If you enjoy learning about how things happened you’ll like the following article I saw at Ezine Articles.

Blogging for Retirees – Extra Cash for Senior Citizens

For many folks, blogging is a new thing, and Twitter is a new phenomenon that has reshaped the world of communications. The word may be new to some, but there is no denying that it is as popular as anything can be on this planet. Some people think that blogging is the province of young people only. There are others who believe that those who blog do not know how to spend their time wisely on the Internet, while yet another group of people have no clear-cut idea of what blogging is all about.

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History of the Blog

The advent of the word blog is quite fascinating to some people. At first, the word weblog, coined in December 1997 by John Barger, was the one that most people were familiar with, as opposed to blog. About two years later, Peter Merholz coined the word blog by breaking weblog into the happy phrase “we log.” Evans Williams later used the word as both a noun and a verb.

According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia, Jorn Barger, an American blogger, was born in 1953, best known as editor of Robot Wisdom, an influential early weblog. Barger coined the term weblog to describe the process of “logging the web” as he surfed. He has also written extensively on James Joyce and artificial intelligence, among other subjects; his writing is almost entirely self-published. On the other hand, Peter Merholz is a founding partner and president of Adaptive Path, and is an internationally recognized thought leader on user experience. He co-authored Subject To Change. He coined the short form, “blog,” when he jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his blog in April or May 1999.

To blog means to edit one’s weblog or post a blog into another person’s weblog.

blog for extra cash senior citizens

Thus, blogger is derived from blog, and refers to someone who writes a blog or posts a blog online. You have probably heard someone asking someone else if they have gotten exposure in the blogosphere. This sounds a bit fancy, doesn’t it? What is the blogosphere? The blogosphere, derived from blog, encompasses all blogs and their interconnections.

Can you be a blogger?

Anyone who can access the Internet is a possible candidate to be a blogger. I should dare say that almost anyone who has access to the Internet and has the ability to learn how to be a blogger could be a good one. You need neither a college degree nor special skills. All you need is common sense, some ideas, and a passion to blog. Everything else is secondary. Blogs are easy to write because you are free to write whatever you feel comfortable and knowledgeable about: your hobbies, passions, politics, global warming, overpopulation control, ozone layer, air pollution and demise of civilization, you name it. All you need to do is jot down your ideas on paper, then go online and prepare your blog while you join the blogosphere. You will have enough information and instructions to lead you in the right direction. Interested? Read on.

Can you make money in the blogosphere while enjoying yourself?

Of course, yes, you can make a great deal of money, depending on what your goals and efforts are. As you begin creating your blogs, do not think about how much money you are going to make. Just keep working on your blogs because the more you blog the better you will become. The better you are, the more you can earn. In short, blogging can be not only an exhilarating and stimulating experience, but also a money-making experience as well, allowing you to create extra income in your spare time while enjoying yourself in the blogosphere.

Moreover, the national and international blogospheres are a mechanism that allows citizens the world over to be able to partake in important discussions that can profoundly impact their social, economic, and political lives. We have witnessed the positive influence of some bloggers’ dialogues and interactions in the political affairs of some Arab countries some six months ago. Blogging is a new tool that is destined to change our social, economic, and political world.”

 – Colbert Bellevue

I hope I’ve got you excited about an opportunity that no one can be barred from.

>>>Click here to learn about how to get training for a work at home job <<<.

A home business for you that is accessible regardless of your:

  • Age
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Educational level

I hope I bump into you in the blogger world!

Source of top image.

Enjoy this quick video about blogs!

Have you started blogging already? Do tell us how it’s going. Use the box below.


10 thoughts on “Blog For Money Sites”

  1. Great especially for Senior citizens like myself. Blogging for extra cash will open up some
    cash generating avenues for some seniors that didn’t have access to such sources. Very beneficial to those who want to pursue outside income!

    • Hi James, thanks for your input! I hope I can help a lot of people get access to do some blogging themselves! I find it a huge stress relief just to know the opportunities are there at Wealthy Affiliate training!

  2. This is a wonderful article. Being someone who is over 50, I have really enjoyed being a blogger. I thought because I did not have a background in anything like this, I didn’t have the skills to blog. However, the more I write, the better I become. This has definitely been a wonderful journey for me.

    This type of business is definitely the answer for those who are looking for extra income and a great work-from-home experience. WA is the best platform and the training is second to none.

    Thank you for sharing this information with all of us.

    Kind Regards,

    • Thanks for your input Yvette! I started blogging with no instruction a few years ago. I made some money. If I had an idea of the amazing potential in blogging, I would be years ahead of where I am now. Wealthy Affiliate and its many helpful members have shared their perspective and successes with me. Seeing the big picture I am very happy to pay for the membership and continue to benefit from it. It pains me to think about older people worrying about the future, when they can do this too.
      All the best!

  3. Hi Dianne, Thank you, this is a wonderful article. I agree with you that in retirement many people will be thinking about and asking the question, How do I get to travel like we planned and still make money like we planned?
    For many people their retirement savings are so skinny that they just don’t have the income to invest in “pipe dreams”.
    I really like your idea about “ Blogging for Retirees – Extra Cash for Senior Citizens”. I think that everyone can do this don’t you?

    • Glenys I think that if I learned to do it almost anybody can lol. Because a person can start for free, and then continue for a month for $19, they can really learn a lot! After that the monthly training cost is 10 lattes lol!

  4. Hello Dee,
    Great article. I did not know all the history about blogging – yes, we all know the word but no the details. As the cliche goes, you learn something new every day – and thanks to you, I have. Yes, blogging does give anyone an opportunity to make money on their own terms. I think it such an amazing opportunity. I wish you continued success and keep blogging in this blogosphere!

    • Hi Michelle. The blogging opportunity is there for anyone who wants to learn it. I hope I can help many get started training the right way! A person can learn at their own pace, while having another job (or not) and if you have to work at home, this is a way to do it! Thanks for your thoughts here!

  5. What a great article! I enjoyed learning the history behind blogging. I have a neighbor who has been blogging for many years now. I knew that there was a lot of money to be made doing it. She had to learn code when she first started, and I thought i would have to as well. What a pleasant surprise it was to know that through Wealthy Affiliate, I didn’t have to learn code! I have no doubt that i will catch up with my nieghbor soon.

    • I got enthusiastic about blogging way back when (without code) blogger blogs showed up. Still my best blog lol. It seemed that for years I couldn’t learn how to build a good blog site, until I found Wealthy Affiliate. I hope we both catch up with your neighbor soon!


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