Coping With Forced Retirement
For many, their retirement date wasn’t a choice. As corporations down-sized, moved state or country or just plain collapsed hundreds of thousands of jobs disappeared. This is catastrophic, as health care, location, family life, and visions of the future (or lackof) are all disrupted.Coping with forced retirement is stress on steroids for most people.
Are you at that place in your life – sorting out a forced retirement? Will Rogers is attributed with the statement about how part of your life is used up looking for something to fill the vacuum of all the time you micromanaged in an effort to save it.
And here you are with all the time in the world! Even though you know you have many worthwhile years left after that life-changing date you might feel a bit stunned. If so, I am going to help you consider a new career I call Being Your Own Boss Online.
That is the name of another article I wrote on this same theme and you can click to read it here if you like.
Individuals handle forced retirement in their own way. There are healthy coping behaviours that can include the following:
- Spend mutually satisfying time with your spouse and family
- Volunteer at local charity events or schools
- Travel a little to explore relocating
- Spend more time on favorite hobbies including sports and workouts
And I’m going to suggest that you try making income online related to those favorite hobbies or past-times. How?
With top of the line affiliate marketing training you can earn commissions by writing about your best-liked products and having your site readers buy because of you! With education and some time and money invested (under $50 a month) you can achieve this.
How Do You Handle Forced Retirement?
Especially if your forced retirement came early, you have a lot of time to explore a second career, and you may end up with a better lifestyle and enjoy more options in your life.
Don’t worry if you feel technically challenged. There are many details covered in a thorough collection of online courses at the Wealthy Affiliate membership website that familiarize you (seniors, early retirees, the disabled, laid-off) on everything from simply getting to know your computer, to blog writing for money.
And if you are a Type A driven personality you will be looking for something to keep you active and involved as soon as the immediate projects at home are done and you’ve relaxed for a few days!
You certainly don’t want to become a bored do-nothing person so that depression sets in, compromising your health, relationships and general perspective on life. Besides, there is another factor for many.
Not Enough Money In Retirement
Retirement can be a very stressful and challenging time for seniors. What might be the best solution for earning income and controlling your own life rather than running out to a job every day?
Working online at home can be very fulfilling, both financially and creatively. You can:
- Set your own hours
- Add to your retirement income
- Involve your spouse/partner – or not!
- Work while you travel, or from your favorite cafe
The big reason why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate to learn how to build a website is that you can start for free. For most people it is a real learning curve! Yet, while under no financial pressure, you have many classes to view and a supportive community to consult if you need things clarified.
Go HERE for a peek into a post by one of the site owners, explaining recently updated functionality of the Wealthy Affiliate system.
A big plus for this business model instruction is that it is kept current with the internet trends that will determine your level of success.
Choosing from the available opportunities with internet marketing can provide you with optimism, and eventually (weeks or months) a boost in income that can be stimulating (i.e., good for your brain power!) and ultimately profitable – and at the zero startup cost I have mentioned.
More about that – Click to this article.
If you own a computer and know how the basics of the Internet, there is nothing stopping you! You can start your own business.
I hope this article has given you a new view on your future if you’ve suffered from gloom, angst, or sheer panic, coping with forced retirement.
I can’t emphasize enough, there is so much at your fingertips with the free trial offer.
Grow your own business the right way with all the attendant satisfaction.
Not only will you have the fulfillment of building and growing your own business, but if you follow through with the training you will build some income.
Please ask any questions you may have below as I am happy help you further, or leave a comment!

Sounds very good. There are many people that do not know how or what to expect upon retirement, and that is something that should be examined closely. The longer we live, versus how long we work is relative to how our lives go on. I am a firm believer in caring for those in our family with any and every available resource we can use, and with the life expectancy growing, we should all place close attention to these stats as we age. Thank you for this informative blog.
Hi Xavier – thanks for your thoughts here. It is amazing how decades can go by and some people are so busy working hard, and raising families that they don’t think ahead. The more advice out there the better!
I hope that writing for a blog can be a safety net for anyone with that interest!
This would be great for my dad. He worked himself until his body wouldn’t work anymore. Doctors tell him it’s a desk job or nothing. So, he has been on Social security for a while now. He is going back to school, but I know what that will cost him in the long run. I am hoping that once I have my site up and profiting I can show him how with Wealthy Affiliate.
Hi Brittaney. Wow, I’m sorry to hear that about your dad. Yet, I know (and you do too!) that a senior who wants to work at home can succeed with the right training. I know happy and healthy seniors who do! The health benefits of working at home are indisputable.
Hello Dianne,
Great article. Yes, ‘age’ can be a determining factor for a lot of people. I am glad you mentioned that Wealthy Affiliates is a great platform to ‘start over’ or simply ‘re-invent’ yourself if you choose to. I am a member and I am so loving the experience and the things that I constantly learn.
Thanks for getting the word out there.
All the best to you.
Thanks Michelle! I surely hope that both seniors and the younger laid-off people discover the training of Wealthy Affiliate and the potential to work at home. I know a couple of folks who started out at a public library because they couldn’t pay for internet connection for a while.
Thanks for helping spread the word!