How To Be Your Own Boss Online

Have you wondered about how to be your own boss online?

I’ll bet almost everyone has wished once or many times that they could be their own boss. Anyone can, if they are interested in learning how to work with a blog and make money.

Could that become full time? It most certainly can if an individual loves the challenge of building a website, or blog, and adds content about a specific item or type of item (called a niche, or small piece of the market) that is sold by a retailer.

When a reader follows a link from said blog to the retailer and purchases, the site owner gets a commission. This can be done on a small scale or a large scale. Entrepreneurs online may be making a few hundred dollars a month from each of their dozens of affiliate sites.

How To Make Income Online From Home

I outline the details in Getting Started (you can just go there now   and this page will stay open for you to come back to). You can begin for free, for your own boss set coffee breaks

In a nutshell:

  • Yes you do need a website
  • At Wealthy Affiliate you can build two trial websites with access to the “how to” training
  • You will learn all about affiliate marketing, and earning commissions from products purchased from you
  • The specific instruction on how to write great product reviews is taught
  • You can view the Q&A list of thousands of newbies who have gone before you

How To Make Money Selling Products From Home

I have placed two links below in order to demonstrate two different benefits of Wealthy Affiliate University. The first is that I personally do not have any experience selling from Ebay yet.

And the second is, that the more experienced members of the community add training posts on specific topics and in that way they share their own successes. Working as an affiliate with Ebay is one way you can sell products from your own boss at home with ebay

So just as another member might share the details about some pointers I write about, I have a volume of information to share also.

Make Money On Ebay Part One

Make Money Online With Ebay Section Two

You might want to bookmark this post so you can see that instruction again, once you’ve built a trial website on Wealthy Affiliate, and you begin to organize your blog for future monetization (the make money part!).

Niche Products To Sell Online

The best niche  products (corner of the market) for you to sell online are a product or a line of products that you really love and have appreciated for their quality and use.

Just to spur your imagination, here are a few I’ve marketed successfully:

  • Satin ballet pointe shoes
  • Vitamins for high blood pressure
  • Flexibility exercises for seniors
  • Vitamins for heart health
  • Healthy oils for a good memory
  • A muscle roller for tension release
  • Stretching exercises for golfers

That is the short list of mine. What is your list? What do you love to buy or wish you could buy?

The picture of the Classical Stretch DVD below is from Amazon. This is how you would use it, as an amazon affiliate: you would post it and embed a link going to your amazon page. A customer would buy it, and amazon would credit you with that commission earned on the sale.

In other words if you buy it, I will get a small referral fee. That’s my “affiliate disclosure statement” which you should see anywhere a blogger is an affiliate marketer.

exercises for seniors for bone buildingAmazon provides easy to get links to any product you review once you have signed up as an affiliate.

One of my favorite bloggers makes tote bags and sells them online. If you are a crafter maybe you have stuff to sell and will love that venue. Another skillful person I know sells aprons on Etsy.

See how I’m linking them here? I am not marketing their wares, but I could, and those links to them are useful in the same way that the links you will use to market products made by others will be useful to you.

Probably the biggest retailer you could market for is Amazon. You can become an affiliate with your country’s amazon and amazons in other regions. I go over the main retailers HERE and it’s well worth a read!

This post is an overview, and every post on this site (except the one about reverse mortgages) is geared to help you see how you can work at home, especially if you have to work at home.

Please leave any questions or comments below. I’d love to hear from you and help you further if I can!


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