Newsflash – Baby Boomers Killed America! Say what?
I was just researching an entirely different topic about baby boomers (that being baby boomers need more money, continued below) and discovered that there are Baby Boomer haters on the internet. Shocking…
…and Laughable! What a crazy premise, that Baby Boomers killed America. Here are a few of their other stunning headlines:
- The baby boomers have ruined the world
- Baby boomers need to die
- Baby boomers are the problem
- There is a Baby Boomers social security problem
There is more of that venomous ilk. I referred to a specific boomer-blaming article in a previous article HERE.
I wonder if this hating would apply in the same way to the disabled, or disabled vets, who require social services and health care – aren’t they also a “social security problem”?
This is just the weirdest mindset, to my way of thinking. Applying logic to this premise, then, the current Baby Boomer haters are saying that when they reach retirement age and collect their Social Security benefits, they too, will be “destroying America”. Nutty!
The Baby Boomer Economic Impact
In the US and in all countries the Baby Boomers have a positive economic impact. Those who can, travel a great deal, prospering local and far away economies. Airlines, trains, bus tours, hotels, restaurants, taxi cabs, car/boat/bicycle rentals, tour guides, museums, cruise ships, et al, would not agree that retirees “need to die”.

Many retired people are active as volunteers in their communities, while they are busy “destroying” their country with every breath they take.
Those who cannot afford any luxuries still consume for their basic needs.
And, don’t forget, those who receive Social Security or Old Age Pension benefits and who can’t afford to quit their jobs, still pay taxes! They are now paying tax for a second time on income previously earned, and they are contributing into the system at the same time.
Best Second Career For Baby Boomers
A new career for baby boomers is the topic I was researching for when I bumped into the hater material. Recently I became aware that a friend had become involved in an MLM (multi level marketing) business. He is past retirement age and still working full time.
I don’t recommend any MLM company as a good business in retirement. My reasons are:
- You must pay monthly ($100 – $400 or equivalent is the usual) to stay in the system
- You must buy the products whether you can sell them or not
- You must attend rally-like trainings (your time, your car, your gas)
- Many charge monthly for your “back office” web portal when you can create your own websites for free
- They are called “home businesses” but you are never at home!
I used to work a couple of MLM businesses. I didn’t really get it that you pay them to LET YOU work for them.
Oh the irony! Here is a person who is old, still working and actually working twice as hard, and is paying out about one third of his social security benefits to be allowed to work!
One theoretical positive about MLM recruitment is that there is no senior age discrimination. They will take anyone’s money.
Seniors Working At Home Independently
“Juner” is an example of a senior making good on her retirement time. She lived with her daughter so she had room and board covered. She had 80% government health coverage but paid almost half of her monthly benefits to get the other 20% coverage.

June liked to contribute to the household and had always been fiercely independent. (Later, the homeless vet in the picture above, “need to die” John, helped take care of her).
And Juner found ebay! She bought lot bags of scrap jewelry, and sold the valuable pieces separately and for profit. She nearly always found some gold or silver pieces in the bags, and even came across some with diamonds.
June worked online, at home, without incurring any major expenses. She paid to ship her jewelry, and that is all.
Ebay selling is just one of the ways a person at home can make money. I describe more ways here.
I consider Juner a blessing in my life. I’m so glad she’s among us, “destroying America”.
Disclosure: Juner and John are just a few years older than boomers, but I prefer to give examples from personal knowledge.
Why Choose Work At Home

I have outlined some good jobs that can be worked at home here. These are employee jobs, and always check if a position requires you to go into the place of work.
I know I can only speak for myself, but I bet you can relate:
- I have put a lot into my (now very down-sized) home and I like to be here
- I appreciate my boss and job but I still want to retire
- I think I have an edge on this ‘seniors working at home’ job because of Wealthy Affiliate website training
- I need more money to put into some other creative ideas
- I want to avoid senior age discrimination if I need an encore career
- I want more time to visit (fill in your friend/family names _______) John and Juner
What Is The Best Free Internet Marketing Training Online?
This is very important. To be offered a real, not fake, free trial, is rare. And it’s gold!
- A free trial where you don’t have to give payment information, and remember to cancel within X days
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- View a couple of thousand Q & A’s about building websites for free
Here is my guide about how to get started with other seniors working at home.
Just for a laugh – here are a couple more hater headlines I found:
- Boomers – selfish generation
- Why are baby boomers so selfish
Unbelievable! But you know, there is still a Flat Earth society out there lol.
I hope you’ll leave any questions or comments below. I’d love to hear from you.

Well sayid. Enjoying past pastures.
How lovely to see you online! I’m so glad to have your inspirational story to tell here. I want to help any senior or disabled person to learn to work on the internet. It’s a sad day when anyone in a country like the US can turn on and vilify its elders.
Excellent article though a tad disheartening to this baby boomer. What happened to the days when the older generations were venerated as founts of experience and wisdom?
It’s sad to see the youth worship culture and even extreme groups who (safely and anonymously online) state that everyone over 65 should die! Gah! Thanks for your thoughts!