What Are The Best Books On Visualisation And Affirmation?
What are the best books on visualisation and affirmation? I have been asked this many times so I started looking around for the top materials on these two related activities.
There are many angles to the visualization/manifestation activities. They include:
- Books about the Tarot
- Books about Twin Flame Attraction/Soulmate Attraction
- The God Frequency
- Numerology
- Self Hypnosis
The purpose of gathering this material is to give you, an aspiring blogger, some ideas as to what you could promote for affiliate commissions, if this an area of interest for you.
Have you started your blog training yet? Here is where I started, with a no-cost look at the training site. I just had to create an account to view the classes you need to get started. Would you like to have a look?
If you like, here is a little history on creative visualization. And, btw some of the materials I found use the British “sation” as opposed to the US “zation” spelling.
First I am going over to ClickBank to see what’s in the marketplace of mostly digital products.
I select from the many categories “Spirituality, New Age & Alternative Beliefs”. In the first five products listed, the first and fifth ones are specifically about manifestation.
I went to ClickBank because they provide thousands of digital products for which you can get affiliate links to insert in your blog content, and make sales commissions.
ClickBank has particularly high commissions compared to many retailers. Many experienced marketers agree it is the way to go for new bloggers.
In the description of the first product is a quote:
I think it’s been shown on machines that thoughts can change the frequency of your brain waves, and that prayers, or affirmations if you prefer, can be powerful in this way.
And the promotional page follows, where your readers may be inspired to click through and buy the digital materials.
The description of this fifth product is:
“Brand new, high-converting Manifestation and Law of Attraction offer that is based on teachings from the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools. Story-based sales letter appeals exceptionally well to Personal Development traffic and lists.”
ClickBank provides the sales page your readers will go to when they click on your link. (You simply set up a ClickBank account to view the Marketplace content.)
The Bio Energy Code is “Guided Meditation Tracks that help people clear negative blockages so that they can manifest whatever they want into their life. Suitable for people who are interested in Law of Attraction, Personal Development, Spiritual, Meditation, Healing, Chakra, BioEnergy. Earn 75% on frontend offer & also 75% across all 3 upsells, receive up to $133.50 per sale.”
There are many products with the popular buzzwords in the titles and promotional content, already prepared for the affiliate marketer.
How can I use positive affirmations effectively?
Traditional materials about affirmations come from the New Thought era of the late 19th Century, and you’ve probably heard of them:
Instead of just listing the book, I put in an image that Amazon provides for me, one of their affiliates. This is to illustrate to you what it looks like on an affiliate marketing blog. Amazon’s commissions are much smaller than ClickBank’s. Amazon will pay you 1% to 6% on most products, a few categories are closer to 10%. Napoleon Hill emphasizes consistency in using affirmations or visualizations.
Likewise, this author emphasizes consistency in using affirmations or visualizations. You can find many more of these types of books on Amazon, Goodreads and other bookstore sites.
Does positive self talk/affirmations truly work?
The above is one of the leading books on, well, the biology of belief. It is about the physicality of belief, rather than a metaphysically oriented outlook. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit.
The Field is about the quantum “spaces” or non-spaces one could say. It’s stories of far-reaching prayer results, documented, are fascinating. It is one of many illustrating that yes, self-talk/affirmations do work!
Are you interested in this category of books/self-help how-to’s, and interested in promoting them to others (for a commission!)?
If so, you need a blog! A blog that is designed to:
- Attract readers with the correctly worded titles and headlines
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And that’s just for starters!
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Most senior citizens in the lower income brackets are resigned to “working forever”, but it doesn’t have to be grim. Many bloggers:
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I think I may have your attention on those items above, so if you’re ready, just click below and get started!
Here is an article about a ClickBank digital product, related to this article:
Joe Vitale Awakened Millionaire Scam Or Real Path To Making Money