Sapphire AI App – Affiliate Marketing For Seniors

Sapphire AI App – Affiliate Marketing For Seniors

What is the Sapphire AI App?  I’m hoping to verify it with this post Sapphire AI App – Affiliate Marketing For Seniors. Here is what the creator states:


The platform has created thousands of NEW millionaires…

And there’s no other platform that can claim that…
It just goes to show the HUGE potential for the average Joe or Jane…
And that’s why it’s foolish to not take advantage of it…
Especially now when inflation is out of control and money is needed…
But how?


My knee-jerk response is why aren’t we hearing about this new volume of millionaires on the daily news? But. I try not be cynical, so I’m going to read more about it.


OK, so this Sapphire App applies to persons who already have a YouTube channel. Is that you? It’s not me, but I’m curious even though I try my best not to fall into the Shiny Object Syndrome. That means new or trending offers you get distracted by while you’re following a chosen path to earn money online. This is really important if you came to this post because you are a senior citizen looking to become a beginner blogger.



This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.


So I am first going to recommend a training site for seniors who want to become bloggers to make money from home in their  retirement years. This training site offers a wealth of information, a pre-built blog(s) structure for members and instruction as to how to set it up for a long-term business. You can take a free first look at this supportive membership community with just a user name and password. Click below to investigate!





But I don’t want to blindly dismiss the Sapphire App offer. The creator says:


YouTube™ is the king of high quality traffic…

You see when people use YouTube™…
…They generally use it to find a solution to a painful problem…
For example:
  • How To Make Money Online…
  • ​How To Get A Girlfriend…
  • ​How To Lose Weight…

All these markets have millions of people…

…That are ready to spend money to solve their problems…


“They are ready to spend money to solve their problems”…So true, right? Isn’t that what you’re doing every time you search for something – a product or service  – online, like maybe Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Overstock and others? And, when you find an article describing the product you’re looking for, with the pertinent information that helps you decide to buy that item, the article you’re reading has provided a link you can click on to buy, right? Somebody has helped you solve your problem!


You can do that too! You learn how to make a really good, attractive, easy to engage with affiliate marketing blog with which you will help others solve a problem or two. 


The professional training site I recommend also covers how to start and maintain a YouTube channel for marketing purposes. Not everybody wants to write. And for YouTube videos, you don’t necessarily have to be on camera. You can create slide shows and add a spoken or printed track of information. Many marketers do this.


This IS What The sapphire App Does


The Sapphire App provides software which quickly produces videos or shorts using stock footage and adds voice over to the footage. You proceed by:

  • You select a keyword
  • Get some footage related to it
  • Add some voice over and voila!


Now you’ve got a video with hopefully helpful information that will solve someone’s problem. Let’s review how you will compete with the millions of other vloggers online – your competition.

  • Will your keyword or key-phrase compete well?
  • Do you know what a keyword is and how to select one?
  • After selecting one how do you research the actual competition of it before you use it?


Because the whole point is to not duplicate what someone else is doing, right? You have to be more appealing one way or another! Sapphire AI hasn’t been around long enough for its real success as an app to be determined.


One concern I have is that as a user you’re accessing the same stock footage as every other Sapphire App user.


The creator also says that you don’t need any tech skills, no creative skills, and you don’t need any subscribers either.


Really? Part of the app is picking from a selection of social media platforms to instantly share your new AI video. How big is your social media following on all the platforms? I think you DO need tech skills, definitely SOME creative skills, and you are going to be competing with vloggers who have thousands of followers on the social media sites.


Which they didn’t create overnight btw. 


To be clear, I’m not trying to discourage you from developing a YouTube channel, no, not at all! The potential is HUGE. However, understanding keywords and selecting them effectively is a tech skill. That is just not something to be glossed over. And there is much more to learn about marketing online.


How Fast Can Affiliate Marketing For Seniors Be Learned?


Even with Sapphire AI and other AI apps, how fast you learn to market online depends mostly on you.

  • Are you retired, semi-retired, or just contemplating retirement?
  • Do you have a partner who can help, or tolerate you devoting your time to a new learning curve?
  • How is your motivation? A career topic or hobby you love will help keep you going long-term
  • Can you spend maybe $50.00 a month for pro training?
  • Would you love a 24/7 online community of fellow learners?
  • Would you love a live feed where you can ask questions?
  • Would you love hundreds of hours of extra training and tips aside from the classes?
  • Would you love the AI training features?
  • Would you love to train and create as you travel?
  • Would you love to train and create as you continue an RV lifestyle?


Many of my readers here have joined the training and integrated it into a semi-retired or retired lifestyle. They started by opening a no-cost account to preview the advantages of this wonderful pro-blogging, or vlogging community. You can too! Click below!




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