Can I Make Dollars on Quora?

Can I Make Dollars on Quora?


Can I make dollars on quora is an often asked question. Here is one short simple answer:


“My best advice to you is to seek another site for earning money because Quora is doing everything in its power to make earning here impossible.” – Owain a Quora member


Get the info on Quora – history, usage and more HERE.


Quora is HUGE and with its high content volume it can attract many advertisers. Questions are placed on Quora, to attract answers, naturally. It is the answer volume to a highly engaging question that increases the volume of content on the site. Members who partner with Quora can get a share of the ad revenue by providing answers that get read, and upvoted. In a nutshell.


How much time would you have in a day to read on Quora and provide answers to questions from a category you have expertise or experience in? If you’re fully retired you would have the hours in the day/night to gain some traction here.  Yet, currently, Quora users mostly report they’re making $2.00 USD a week, with all those hours and efforts.


The advice given above is to seek another site for earning money.


Wouldn’t that be better?


Wouldn’t it be better to have your own site? But how would you start? You can get a free account on a site that teaches the whole world of marketing online to earn a revenue stream that grows and grows. For an overview, click on the blue button below!


This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.






Quora can be very interesting if not fascinating. It is a wealth of expert material. My personal use is that of learning and also just relaxing, reading about experiences published by real people, about their real life stories. After a long day of research, writing and other work, it’s a great escape!


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How do I earn $1 per day on Quora?


So you’re aiming for $30.00 PER MONTH? I don’t think so, right? I’m not even going to answer that question because I think it’s a waste of time to pursue. I’d rather point you to a way to make more money than that! Let’s talk about affiliate marketing. How it works:

  • You make a website designed for promoting products you find useful.
  • You choose the topic(s) you will present on your site, a narrowly focused topic or category of topics
  • You connect your readers to these products with an affiliate link that tells the creator of the product where to send your commission
  • Once set up, this is all automated
  • You keep writing material, and study how to grow from invisibility to high visibility online
  • Depending on your input you may start making affiliate commissions in three to six months.


There is a link to another article on affiliate marketing at the bottom of this post. It is about a digital product which offers a $25.00 commission with each sale.  We’re way past a dollar a day!


Are you willing to work for three months minimum, to wait for an increasing amount of commissions per month as you develop your site?


How do you make a million dollars on Quora?


I think it’s evident that this is a joke question within the context of this article, right? But it is an actual question from Quora. One can’t help but imagine the impact on one’s life if you make a million dollars! But if you grab yourself by the scruff of the neck, all the way back to reality, there is still hope. YOU are your hope, for yourself and those who inspire you.


For a minute, let’s pretend you get your account today and begin to view this huge website of professional affiliate marketing training. I quote the creators with what their training site offers:


You can test-drive the platform within the Starter membership, understand how the online business works, get help and feel the awesome “pay it forward” vibe within the community. When you are ready to take your business to the next level you will want to upgrade, choosing a membership that suits your goals.




Here is a quick diagram breaking down the process.



Just as you would as a member of Quora, or creator on a YouTube channel, or any other large content website you would: 1. Choose An Interest. An interest or passion, a topic that you have some experience and expertise in, be it from a career or hobby. This acquired knowledge is valuable to many others who share your interest, want to learn more, or need to purchase items that will help them enjoy this interest even more. If you make it easier for them, it can result in your increased income from affiliate commissions.


Following that, you would 2. Build A Website. No, not from scratch! 😯 . A basic website already in place, will be your platform, or foundation, for developing your online business. The platform is called WordPress, and it is used for millions of sites. You will learn how to customize it and add the About Me page, the Privacy Policy page and other required legal information. Templates are provided for your editing, making this a fast process.


You will learn 3. How To Attract Visitors – get targeted web traffic, the exact readers for your topic. Members have access to a research tool for this, and and many hours of video training about how to research effectively in order to gain visibility online.


You will be shown the different ways to 4. Earn Revenue. If you have no capital investment to buy ads – and the majority of beginner bloggers don’t – you will get suggestions as to what affiliate products are the easiest to start out with, and how to set up your content with affiliate links applied in an acceptable and effective way.


Gaining a picture of how this works will reveal to you the potential YOU have for making money from home:

  • In retirement
  • While traveling
  • While RVing
  • While camping

… Or however you set up your life.




So while many ask can I make dollars on Quora, I offer this alternative that has a realistic potential for you to have a business in retirement that can fit in with your preferred lifestyle. You will spend your time blog building knowing this is really going somewhere! Get started now!




The article I mentioned way above…



Joe Vitale Awakened Millionaire Scam Or Real Path To Making Money




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