Hormone Imbalance Symptoms Women Need Help With

If you have ever gone through a period when your hormones were off, really off, you’ll be happy to know that someone has compiled a packet of information about hormone imbalance symptoms women suffer from, and would certainly welcome help with.

There is a way that an affiliate marketer, someone blogging for money, can help someone with their problems by providing a product or information. And that could be you!

It’s really sad, in my opinion that women and men can suffer havoc in their lives from hormonal imbalances, with little help.

You’ll be lucky if your general practitioner will run a full endocrine panel and keep testing until the cause of your discomfort has been recognized.

What Are The Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance?

  • Weight gain.
  • Exhaustion
  • Increased sensitivity to temperature changes
  • Constipation or more frequent bowel movements
  • Dry skin/loss of skin tone
  • Water retention
  • Ongoing weight loss (sometimes sudden)
  • Variations in heart rate

How DO I Balance My Hormones?

Here are some tips:

  1. Eat balanced meals with some quality protein
  2. Exercise daily, if only a 30 minute walk
  3. Avoid sugary foods, including non-sweet carbs
  4. Learn to avoid and control stress – practice  journaling, meditation
  5. Consume omega 3/omega 6 balanced fats
  6. Drink green tea
  7. Eat fatty fish that provide onega 3 fatty acids
  8. Eat grass fed meats and dairy products (omega 3 fats)
  9. Eat organic foods – pesticides are estrogen mimickers
  10. Get a good water filter to decrease chemical intake (hormone mimickers)

Did you know that low or high estrogen levels can contribute to infectious, autoimmune, metabolic, and degenerative diseases? 

I have been reading and writing about herbs, vitamins and exercise for years, with the goal of helping people get healthier and enjoy their lives more.

I have also been paid for my efforts with an affiliate marketing blog.

Would you like to help people do that too?

And get paid for it?

stacks of coins

Here you are on this blog, which means you’re looking for some information about seniors work from home jobs, right?

This is the same information that anyone would use to learn how to make a good blog, and many seniors who have retired or want to retire don’t have enough money to do so.

Many people would love to make money working from home or wherever their laptop is, for many reasons.

Skills are needed for you to succeed at this, and getting the right training will spare you a lot of frustration and lost time.

This blog tells you how you can start a free account and learn how to blog for money, the right way.


This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.
I am going to discuss more about the blog building training opportunity, but first let me mention The Power of Hormones, a digital book, that you can promote for a commission.
First you will sign up with Clickbank, a huge marketplace digital authors use to advertise their products. All you need is a user name and password to access the data base of products.
Thousands of products!
If you have zero interest in promoting information about hormonal balance, believe me, you will find something else in their volume of listings.
If you want to see what the author’s promo page looks like – CLICK HERE.
I think it is a good promo page.
It is not over-hyped as many are, or cheesy. It gives a lot of reasons for women to buy the product.
It also gives you, the blogger, ideas to promote this product yourself.
This is why I recommend this product for affiliate marketing:
  • A good price people can easily pay
  • A good commission for the affiliate blogger
  • Money back guarantee (all Clickbank products offer this)
  • Almost everyone has hormonal problems these days

Here is what I really like about affiliate marketing. Once you have a blog built with some helpful content to offer readers, you can make commission after commission promoting one product.

Any product giving at least 20% commissions to the affiliates is well worth your time.

Given the right training for your your web site, readers can find your promotional information and buy their digital product immediately. 

After 60 days, with no return, you will get your commission from Clickbank. Clickbank has a good reputation for paying on time, and keeping records you can easily access and view anytime.

Most Clickbank products offer between 30% to 50% commissions.

Can you imagine affiliate selling for those commissions while you sleep, travel, play with your family, when you’re not blog writing?

Would you love to earn a full time income while not working full time?

I started with a Clickbank product and wrote many blog posts about it.

I wrote for months. I had no training, I just wrote about what I knew about the topic, and all of its many aspects.

One day I got an email from Clickbank asking for my tax information – I had never completed my profile – because there were a couple of thousand dollars waiting for me!

So click here to get your copy of The Power Of Hormones!

See the potential of this marketing style? You get to:
  • Stay home or work anywhere your laptop can go
  • Choose your own hours of training and blogging
  • Spend time with family and friends
  • No car or commute expenses
  • Work, eat and sleep when you want and be healthy!
When I look back at how I got started and made money with no knowledge about:
  • How to show up on google and other search engines
  • How to add images the right way
  • How to make my own images when I wanted
  • How to publish legally required pages
  • How to stay updated with publishing styles
  • How to write good reviews
Wouldn’t you love to know all that and integrate it properly, step by step, taught by marketing professionals?
Wouldn’t you love to have the advantage of using a popular blog platform like WordPress without needing to learn any code?
The business model of affiliate marketing is easy to learn. It can seem complicated, but with an organized sequence of classes, it all makes sense as you go along.
It will take you time and consistent study, as learning any real business will.
The joy of it is seeing a real web site appear, page by page, as you learn. 
The benefit of learning the way I did, in a community of experienced web site builders and business people, is that your hours of learning will not be wasted with the wrong advice.
You can watch training videos over and over whenever you need to. You can get questions answered from a vast archive of FAQs, and also in real time.


Here is my article I wrote for teens, and dancers. I have updated it for this re-publication.
“Teenage hormone imbalance has a great deal to do with teen weight gain or weight loss.

Symptoms of hormone imbalance include the following:

  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Poor concentration
  • Too big/too small appetite
  • Nervousness
  • Insomnia
  • Catastrophic thoughts
And there are more subtle symptoms too like food allergies and painful digestion.
But seeing as we’re ballet dancers here, let’s focus on teen weight gain. Is it because of:
  • starchy diet
  • not enough good protein
  • not enough salads and raw veggies (organic!)
  • not enough filtered water
  • bad sleep from all of the above and anxiety

Get a hormone balance test!

I am not going to explain how hormone balance is related to organic foods, good proteins and good sleep, because I would have to write a book – and someone already did.
If you are a dancing teen, young adult or pre-menopause dancer who thinks you may have a hormone imbalance, please read The Power Of Hormones and get some relief!
I have been through this situation and I guarantee that you will save yourself years of struggle and grief and ill health if you understand the way to balance your hormones with diet and perhaps some nutritional supplements.
To your health!”
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