“I’m feeling angry about money today.”
Is that you, ever? Do you get to feeling angry about money too?
If you’ve ever felt that way, I’m going to help you right now, so that the feeling will fade from your life. Here’s what I was thinking a few months ago:
“Do I Want To Learn To Work On The Internet?”
“Or do I have to find a way to make money after I retire whether I like it or not?”
If this is where you’ve found yourself after 50 or after 60, or close to retirement – or what should have been your retirement year – What happens now?
Take stock of your situation and consider the advantages of internet marketing and work from home business opportunities. (More about that in this article!)
- You can work at home and be your own boss
- You can define your own work hours
- You can control your own work budget
- You can develop talents of yours that perhaps were never tapped into in your former career
- You can run a business promoting products of large retailers – affiliate marketing
- You can use your web sites to promote your own products
With persistence, you will build an on line presence which will earn money even in vacation times!
While this financial result will not happen over night, it is rewarding to learn how to generate income in the earn-while-you-learn method, seeing small increases that will arrive at a tipping point.
As long as you don’t give up, a web site can begin to profit! When this happens, you can keep building it – and start another one!
You can start for free, with real training – click here to find out.
Not Enough Money In Retirement
The “real” or true purchasing power incomes in the US have not increased since the 1970’s. If you started an investment plan then, that was supposed to pay out at $1.5 million, it certainly would not support a lifestyle in 1970’s dollars (or Euros, or Pounds, etc., as much of the industrialized world is in the same boat, or doing much worse).
Many retirees are happy to keep working, but don’t want the pressure of daily schedules, commuting, or answering to a boss.
Low paid part time jobs are abundant. In fact, part time jobs are a ploy used by employers to avoid providing benefits for their workers.
Yet, I’m not pointing fingers at business owners. Their expenses rise with the need to satisfy work place regulations, state laws, and federal laws too. It is sad to see small businesses and the “mom and pop” businesses close, while the giant and on line retailers close in for the kill.
I am going to show you how to take advantage of that factor! It’s called affiliate marketing.
Retirees who own property may be able to boost their inadequate income by getting a Reverse Mortgage on their home. These are expensive and tricky loans but can work for some. (See my post topic “please explain a reverse mortgage“.)
What are your options if you don’t have a home to slowly “reverse” back to a bank?
- Move to Thailand where you can live near the beach on your social security income
- Move into your kids’ basement – if you have kids, and if they have space to spare
- Keep working in spite of physical or mental demands or lack of interest
- Rent rooms in your home, not always a good choice but can work out for some locations
- Consult, tutor and coach free lance, if you have the right credentials
Opt for the best opportunity there is –
Explore the types of working home jobs that are not scams!
Stress About Low Income
Millions of seniors and the disabled suffer from the anxieties and depression of living in poverty with no hope for things getting better.
Stress leads to disease and physical degeneration in the healthy individuals, causing health care and staying functional to become even more expensive.
Millions of seniors live in quiet isolation and have no clue how to ask for help. They don’t know about Food Banks, Meals On Wheels or Senior Centers.
This is a sad topic which I’ve outlined in detail in this article about retirement incomes in the US. Bleak, but I still have a message of hope!
Angry About Not Enough Money
Here’s a little personal story – which motivated me to write about how you can learn to work on the internet.
Yesterday a client came into our business and bullied the boss into a ten dollar discount on the service. Ten dollars! I was fuming at the attitude.
First, our fees are the same for everyone. And we’re not a swap meet or bazaar where you come in and haggle. I had to bite my tongue!
But what was really going on was me suppressing my thoughts like “if the boss did that for everyone”…
- I will never get another raise
- I’ll get laid off (been there done that!)
- We’ll go out of business
- This client will spread the word and everyone will want the (unofficial) discount
While driving home I discovered I was really angry about this ‘not enough money’ state of mind.
Food prices are up! The stock market is going down! I can’t keep up! Yes that was a wild and melodramatic direction to launch into.
But you know what I mean, right? Luckily, anger is very energizing. Why waste it? So, I didn’t.
Right away I sat down at my keyboard to tell you exactly where to go to get the precise and detailed training you need about how to get rid of stress about low income – I wrote this article for you.
Increase Your SS Income – How?
I found Wealthy Affiliate University after years at making a little extra money at marketing on line. I don’t mean directly selling, but writing about products and getting paid commissions from resulting sales. That is called affiliate marketing.
The trick to this is creating a web site that will be easy to navigate, pleasant to read, and provide the reader with information that leads to a sale.
You begin by participating in this training for free and see just how it is done. You will be provided the structure for two web sites at no cost, and you can go through each step at a time. This is for one whole week.
You can see hundreds of sample sites simply by clicking on the profile buttons and the links of the other members.
You can submit questions. You will be able to follow mini-trainings made by seasoned bloggers which spell out some of the finer points.
It’s a lot to learn! But that is what leads to success. You can create a long term business leaving you free to work it as you vacation. You can choose your own hours for being on line.
Just click on this little square!
If you have any questions or thoughts about this matter, please contact me below!