Can You Write A Story Beginning With ‘What The Hell Happened

Can You Write A Story Beginning With ‘What The Hell Happened

A senior friend of mine who loves to write short stories, asked me how I recover from writer’s block. I asked her “Can You Write A Story Beginning With ‘What The Hell Happened”?

If you’re  a senior or otherwise at home blogger wanting to publish either fiction or informative “how-to” kind of short e-books, you may need a writing prompt from time to time. 

Writer’s block strikes once in a while and has various causes. Here’s a description of writers block.

If you are an author of e-books, or want to be, the following button will take you to a place where you can learn how to build a blog to get guaranteed targeted visitors. You won’t have to pay to see an overview of the training and you can  study five of their  classrooms.


A few years ago I bought a software package that instructed me as to how to format an e-book to publish on Amazon. It was a learning exercise for me, but I did complete and publish an ebook. I never promoted it but have sold many copies over the years.

There are YouTube videos that will show you this too.  Here is one  I like:

If you use Word to write, this is what you need to do a proper format.

If you don’t have the Microsoft Suite, and don’t want to outlay any cash, you can download LibreOffice. Search for that, and download. 

It is a free package similar to Microsoft Office. You can create a document (e-book, manuscript) and when done, save as a Word doc.

That is another prompt to trigger your imagination, or memory, if you’re writing non-fiction. It could provoke you to remember an event from:
  • A family trip when you were a child
  • Your first field trip in elementary school
  • Your first job in high school
  • A volunteer job you did once
  • Your first year in college
  • Your first job search as an adult
  • How I make money with my hobby
To name a few. All these ideas can be fiction too, although informative non-fiction works well with short e-books.
Here is a sample of an informative e-book from Amazon: Facts About Saturated Fats
That book ad is an affiliate link, and if you were to click on it, and buy it, the author (me) would get a commission.  That could be anywhere from $ .10 to $2.00, depending on where the purchase was made. 
Say the commission averaged $1.50 and 200 were sold in a month. That’s not bad revenue for a non-fiction informational book that took two weeks to research and write.
Because you could write another one every two weeks, or once a month. At the end of the year, you could have made significant revenue to supplement your SS Income or income in general, in your retirement.
This blog focuses on helping seniors or the disabled – anyone who needs to work from home – to blog for money.
The information applies to anyone at any age who can blog or vlog (make YouTube videos which can be monetized).
If you want to see the popular categories of e-books, one place to start is ClickBank
This site has 24 categories of digital books. You can promote those as an affiliate marketer, or simply view the titles of the best sellers and see if you’d prefer to write your own. 
For example if you have had a wood working hobby, or business you can write a 20 page e-book on “how to get started”…or “simple tools to get started”… 
Other handy topics:
  • Recipes, targeted to specific types of cooking
  • Crafting 
  • Scrap booking
  • Journaling
  • Herb gardening
  • Topiary making
So what’s next? 

Start a blog to promote your e-book(s).

Do I Need Guaranteed Targeted Traffic

Yes you do, and you can learn how to get it. 

The first way you get it is to write as many articles as you can on each aspect of your chosen topic, to your chosen audience – your niche. 

About a hundred posts on a blog tells a search engine (Google, Bing, Duck-Duck-Go) that you are a serious contender for quality content, both promotional and informative.

Consistent publication also improves your visibility online. You can write whenever you’re inspired, but pick 2 days a week to publish, and stick to your schedule.

You will want to know about:
  • The aesthetic aspects of a blog (theme and blog formatting)
  • The legal aspects of blogging – required pages
  • How to provide a form of contact for your readers
  • How to get guaranteed targeted web traffic
And many more elements that will help you get ahead of your competition online.

More info about blogging: 


Guaranteed Targeted Web Traffic


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