What Is Solo Ads Marketing Is It Worth It

What Is Solo Ads Marketing Is It Worth It


A friend asked me what is solo ads marketing. Is it worth it? So to help them, I did some research. 


I found this on Quora, a reputable site with tons of information – about Everything.


“Solo ads are email-based advertisements you buy from other email list owners. They’re typically sent as dedicated emails – so the entire message is all about your promotion. While other businesses can make use of solo ads, they’re most popular among affiliates and information marketers.” -Sawdik Pro on Quora


I came to this topic while reviewing 1K Profit Partnership.


I’m always scouting for any system that might help a senior who wants to work from home in their retirement years, to add to their income. Also, to help disabled folks who need to work from home too.


I mean, who can live on Social Security benefits, or Social Security Disability benefits? Not that those don’t help, but you can’t pay your rent or bills with that income. You need more.


I focus on helping people who want to work online (Senior Citizens) and build a business that they can work from home, or from their RV, or in any way that can match their lifestyle.


How can solo ads help? If solo ads are email-based advertisements you buy from other email list owners, how much will you have to spend?


How do all these email list owners find each other?


And, of more concern, wouldn’t the users of the 1K Profits Partnership all be buying the same email lists? Would the recipients be deluged and simply start unsubscribing?


In reviewing the pro critique of this system, this professional marketer states right up front that you will need additional training (not provided in the package) to generate traffic to your web sitethe done-for-you site that you will need training to use.


Isn’t that a contradiction right there?


That’s a big red flag


Serious professional blogging students  take months to get good at generating traffic, meaning they compete well for visibility online.


There are different techniques and you just get better at it as you go along.


So, right here I’m going to recommend the best training.


And you can take a free look at it. A test drive, so to speak. You only need a user name and password, no payment form.




If you want more information on 1K Profits Partnership – it is a system that looks like it can help people benefit from affiliate marketing. Which is…?


Affiliate marketing is a way of making commissions on sales for products – products that you didn’t create – but products that retailers sell.


Retailers like Amazon, Target, Best Buy – many.


There are a lot! If you were to write articles reviewing:

  • Coconut oil benefits
  • Bullitt Proof Coffee
  • Prepared Food Delivery Programs/Fresh Meal Kits
  • Farm To Table/Home Grown information


…you would attract readers who are specifically interested in those types of products. Likewise,  you could focus on

  • Pet Supplies
  • Dog Supplies
  • Cat Supplies
  • Birds
  • Fish and Aquatic Pets If you look onto any retailer’s web site, you will see thousands of products!


The creator of this package says:


“What’s more, you don’t need to have experience in affiliate marketing or any online marketing to succeed. The 1K Profit Parnership will take care of it for you.”


But the presentation goes on about how you’re going to:

Collect email addresses for your marketing emails

Link them and some provided marketing emails to your auto responder

Direct your readers to a webinar selling a high ticket item (you make money here)

Keep marketing to those who don’t buy


The key to success here is getting traffic to your site in the first place.


Here’s Another Little Red Flag 

It is stated in the promo that you don’t use solo ads. Yet, inside the instructions, the preferred type of traffic generation is  – solo ads!


You pay for those.


Most people I’ve talked to about affiliate marketing online are willing to pay for training, within limits. They love the free account test drive to real instruction.


But because I’m marketing this training to senior citizens and perhaps disabled folks, I know they, or you, do not have money for buying ads.


And I must add here, that within the system I use, other pro marketers are financially successful and they:

  • Never buy adds
  • Don’t have an email list


What they do have is a well designed, friendly to read web site(s) providing information targeted to:

  1. Readers who are interested in the topic of the site
  2. Readers who are ready to buy something to do with the topic of the site


The other very important thing they have is the ability to drive traffic organically (without paying for ads) to articles designed for the interested readers, or the purchase-ready readers.


This is considered a good “user experience” (UX)  by the search engines, which results in better visibility to your site.


The other vital element for the blog creator – You – is a strong interest if not passion about the blog’s topic(s).


This element is vital because You – the creator – will need to write up to 50 blog posts, with your traffic-finding skills improving as you go, before you see commissions coming in.


You may write up to 100 posts before you have the money to hire other writers or buy ads.


I am talking about a senior with not enough retirement money, or someone who has to work from home.


A Quick Demo Of Affiliate Marketing


And here I’m going to take an affiliate marketing opportunity, to illustrate what you could be doing.


Let’s say I have readers who want to get started in making money online. They need a new computer – a good updated desk top or laptop. Yet, funds are short.


I am going to hop over to Amazon (could be  Ebay or Best Buy) and find some help. Help being, low cost refurbished computers. You don’t need to spend full price!


As an Amazon affiliate, I am obliged to disclose that I will make a commission if you make a purchase after following a link from my blog. So, I just did that. The two images below with a link, are advertising links. Here we go: 




Amazon provides those images with links. Once you have a web site set up that gets some traffic, Amazon will let you be an affiliate. And there are many more affiliate opportunities.


So to wrap up, 1K Profit Partnership may make you some money, but you will put considerable time into setting it up, and you’ll have to get through the training too.


The training I recommend will cost you a predictable monthly or annual (always saves a few dollars!) membership, the site will host your site(s) as part of the membership costs, and provide classrooms and within-the-membership training.


I don’t think I need to add more here, as you can go and see for yourself. 




Here is some information about internet marketing. 


Here is another article I wrote about the all-important traffic issue: 


Guaranteed Targeted Web Traffic


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