Click’n Cashin Glitch App – Online Income Source

Click’n Cashin Glitch App – Online Income Source


This Click’n Cashin app is, a possible online income source, and is  attributed to a $20 Billion glitch inside Whatsapp’s servers. I wonder if it’s been fixed yet? Let’s take a quick look and see if it’s worth your time until Whatsapp discovers this glitch and remedies their weakness. And, can you use it without an established website that you own?


Not familiar with Whatsapp? Find info here.


The author says: 


online-income-source graphic


This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.



If you’re interested in creating a website yourself, that you can establish with good visibility online, the fastest way is to click the button below for a free look at a professional training opportunity to build a business online. It’s not a glitch and won’t be fixed and then disappear!




Upon examining Click’n Cashin further, I do find some contradictions. It repeatedly claims:

  • You need zero training, about anything, nada
  • You will work 2-3 minutes a day
  • Every time you Click within the system you will make $23.97
  • You don’t need a website 
  • You don’t need to write anything
  • You buy it and it’s set up for you in two minutes


Doesn’t that sound like online marketing heaven? You can start making about $1,000.00 a day! By doing almost nothing!


Yet, the promo goes on to explain: you can fully customize this “clone” of their business model. How do you do that? There’s no real explanation of what you’re buying.


Online Marketing For Beginners


And, why would you do that – fully customize this “clone” if you’re making $23.97 every time you click on Send. Whatsapp has about 2.3 BILLION users, O.K., that’s exciting. And the app is able to send each one a message of some sort? (A Whatsapp user is going to love that, right? No!) So according to traditional sales math, you’re going to make 1% of that customer base in return.


After studying the details, I’m in no way clear, in fact I’m clueless as to what you’re sending when you click Send.


You’re also going to get highly detailed training! What?


The promotional material has already emphasized you don’t need to know anything about online marketing. Join, click from the dashboard and you’re making money!


And to whom do you send your marketing messages? You have to have a list of contacts you have previously accrued yourself. You must then invite each one to Opt In to your messages. Does this sound like you will a) Join, b) click Send and c) start making money, like today


How To Learn Affiliate Marketing Strategy


The basics of how you make money on the internet actually needs to be understood if you want to apply the Click’n Cashin app quickly.


Even though the author provides training, if you’re going to spend time on training why not learn the whole inclusive professional way to start an online business?


You will not only learn how to establish a blog with:

  • The correct legal pages
  • An attractive theme suitable for your topic’s material
  • How to become visible on the web – SEO or Search Engine Optimization
  • How to use Social Media and gain followers without spamming your feeds (which you need to use this Click’n Cashin app)
  • How to write easily read content on your blog
  • How to get and use affiliate links
  • How to establish a YouTube channel if that’s more your style
  • Get preferred access to a couple of huge affiliate marketplaces for access to hundreds of retailers
  • Learn how to use ClickBank, a huge digital marketplace where you make great affiliate commissions
  • Where to find/adapt/upload images to your blog posts
  • How to use AI to your best advantage


All of the above is crucial for those who are interested in affiliate marketing for seniors – the special readership of this blog. Many seniors are looking for a way to work from home so they can earn money in retirement, maybe increase their SS income years.


Many seniors would like to travel in their retirement years, but need to have some extra revenue come in even while working from their laptops.


Many seniors have sold their homes and live an RV lifestyle. With internet, they can keep working online from anywhere and keep up their affiliate marketing income. I wrote more about that here:


Nomadic Lifestyle America


Many  seniors lost their retirement plans or their homes in the 2008 banking travesty. It’s like ancient history now, unless you’re one of those people. I wrote about that too:


My Life After Foreclosure


Who Is The Clickn’ Cashin App For?


This app is best used by people who have an established list of Whatsapp contacts who have opted in, or who will opt in to receives messages. 


This app is best used by people who already have affiliate links they can embed in messages they send out to their opted-in contacts. It’s not exactly Join, Set Up quickly and start making money. Unless you have a significant list and they’ve opted in, all ready to go.


If you don’t have those things, and you’re going to spend some time, maybe months, building them up, why not add one more element into the time you’re going to spend creating business online?


Learn how to create a real business blog, in the way that it will last for years. You can use it to promote all kinds of affiliate products. While you’re doing that, you will also be building a following on Social Media platforms, including Whatsapp.


Because that’s part of the training you will get in the professional business building classes I recommend you study. You will develop your web site step by step as you learn each part of the creation. You will see it grow, day by day, as you put all the elements together.


I assure you, it’s quite exciting to see this appear before your eyes! Take the free test drive of this 24/7 online community of beginner bloggers and well advanced business bloggers many of whom generously share their success tips. Just Click below on the blue button.




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