Nomadic Lifestyle America
Recently I’ve been fascinated by a variety of videos depicting the nomadic lifestyle – America – specifically. And, that of seniors, specifically.
I was amazed at this well organized, trained for survival, and huge community!
Source for picture above.
Greg Mitchell wrote the following article in 2010. How it applies today!
The interesting thing is, if you do live in an RV due to economic need, you can learn to make money on line. What this whole website is about.
You have an internet connection, right? With an antenna, smart phone, laptop or tablet connection? Most RV dwellers do.
Here’s Greg’s article: (I want to edit it a bit but it’s not my place to do so!) 🙂
“RV Trailers Lifestyle
Recreational vehicle or simply RV trailers are vehicles that contain a kitchen, a bedroom, living room and a bathroom. The vehicle varies in size, typically being smaller than the ones in North America. They are made mainly for brief leisure activities like camping and vacations, sometimes others are used for full time living parked in special trailer parks.

RV trailers can be rented when touring major cities and other tourist sites while some can also be used as mobile offices for business travelers and these often include customizations like upgraded electrical system, satellite, internet, generator and extra desk space.
There are several types of RV Trailers but the most common ones are the teardrop, hybrid, fifth wheel, resort cottage, totter home and toy hauler trailers.
The most amazing feature with RV trailers lovers is the lifestyle. RV lifestyle includes people who prefer traveling and camping to living in one location. This has seen some travel near the equator during the winter and return in spring. This is mostly referred to as snow birding.
A large segment of young people has also engaged in RV trailers lifestyle. There are those who fully live in a trailer popularly called full timers of houses on wheels (H.O.W) compared to those who alternatively live in houses and in trailers at the same time. There are also work amperes. These individuals work at the campgrounds or at the parks and they stay at that site for some time.
Though it is said that most the RV trailers revelers are retirees, it has been agreed that other individuals and families are going for these RV trailers for traveling reasons and to see parts of the world as they maintain their incomes via the useful advanced technology available in them such as phones, internet, fax and even satellite.”

(If you’d like to try building a training website for free, with instructions, this is how you do it.
Senior RV Travel Clubs
(Me here). The videos show a club like community of seniors who stay in touch and meet up periodically. This allows some the solitude they seek yet gives them a social life to suit their needs. Back to Greg:
“Some RV owners have saved so much from using these services and products. Those who choose to park in locations with no camping sites are the most beneficiary. This reduces the costs one could have incurred when he could have parked at the camping sites. Apart from saving, RV trailers offer the users opportunity to park at their favorite parks. This is because some want to have their own privacy, have more choice of location, want their privacy while others are simple adventuring and feel it is sufficient to be near their target location.”
Full Time RV Living Costs
So that’s how to defray campsite costs when needed. There is a video that shows where the Bureau Of Land Management – BLM – sites are. They are free but have a fifteen day restriction. The “clubs” share information as needed. Back to Greg:
“A growing community of burners prefers recreational vehicles to suit their

needs and with RV Trailers formed to look into the needs of every client, they have heed to their needs. They have been able to modify the old diesel school buses to suit their needs. This is done by burning waste vegetable oil or biodiesel in the old buses to make them more environmental friendly.
One lifestyle group of RV trailers is the Senior citizens lifestyle group. This group, as the name states, is made up of senior people who often sell their homes and travel to other places depending on the weather conditions and only come back to buy new homes after the weather conditions have changed.
With all these lifestyles, one cannot underrate the work done by RV Trailers to suit their customers by making their lives better and comfortable.
5th Wheel Covers []. Great Prices on Covers to Protect you entire 5th Wheel or RV from the weather. Lowest Prices for RV covers [] – Camper Fifth Wheel Covers.”
Article Source:
Now I’m going to show you how to learn to work on the internet. Since Greg talked above about camper covers, I am going to give you this link, (click on it) which goes to an amazon page.
Pretend you’re a shopper and you buy one. Then you remember all the other products you need and you buy them too.
I will get a commission from your total purchases. This does not change your price. This is called “affiliate marketing” and I learned how to make this blog on Wealthy Affiliate Click here to get details on the training.
This is what you can do too!
Each post on this site describes a different aspect of affiliate marketing. And each is taught at Wealthy Affiliate. Video classrooms and thousands of FAQ’s show you.
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It really doesn’t get easier than that! After your free trial (CLICK to see it) it will cost you a little bit. Invest in your business!
Which might be in your RV!
Did any questions come to mind while you read this post? Please ask below and I will answer you!

I have a RV at a lake lot that I own. I do not move it. There is not any internet or TV services available unless you use a satellite. I find it as my getaway from the world space, it is only 45 minutes from my house. I sometimes spend a week or more there during the summer time. I find it difficult to keep up with my website work with out being connected. Do you have any suggestions for a short term connection.
Hi John. A lot on a lake! That’s wonderful. I don’t much about this type of technology, but I did just find this: http://www.connectify dot me/hotspot/
Perhaps you can investigate that type of service.
If I had a week at a time without connection, I would write a blog post every day. That way I’d be a little ahead when I got back to the connected world! Cheers.