Is Profitorial Worth It – Or Is It A Scam

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Is Profitorial Worth It – Or Is It A Scam

Looking over the sales page I saw the same claim I see everywhere which got me wondering is profitorial worth It  – or is it another scam?

I am going to share my impression of this product, which is designed to get you massive amounts of traffic (buyers) to your web site.

The following list is what the developers of Profitorial set for their product standards:

  • It must bring in fast results
  • It must be completely newbie friendly
  • It must include free traffic
  • It must involve zero extra expenses
  • It must rake in profits consistently
  • It must require zero tech skills

The first red flag for me is that it is mandated to be “Completely Newbie Friendly”, meaning it is easy to use even if you are new at – at what?

New at navigating around the dashboard of a hundred kinds of software or web-accessed advertising platforms?

New at designing ads?

New at learning how to copy/paste your links into ads other people have written?

What if you’re actually new and you’re exploring how to make a good blog – and make some  money on line?

Is that you?

Because if so, you are the person I write on this blog for.

Will this product make sense to you?

I don’t see how it could.

Who Is Profitorial For?

This product would work best for marketers who:

Already have a web site(s) that gets traffic (visitors).

Already have a volume of followers on various social media sites.

What Does Profitorial Cost?

$19.00 for initial access, creating ads, and sharing on social media

$197 for 80 Done For You ads, your links added

$97.00 for some guaranteed traffic (paid traffic)

$47.00 for 10 Done For You ads

$77.00 for Youtube traffic sent to your ads

$197.00 for re-sell rights

For all of the above, you’re close to $600.00. I need to mention, right here, that I pay less than that yearly, for ongoing and updated complete blogger training about how to make money on line.

I don’t pay to learn how to make someone else’s stuff work.

For actual newbies, I recommend blog training that:

  • Starts at the beginning
  • Defines each element being illustrated
  • Moves forward step by step.

And, is completely free to get a good look at.

If that is why you came to this page, maybe you don’t want to explore Profitorial further – but you want to skip to the chase.

You can sign up hassle-free now!


This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.

You have probably seen hundreds of slick pages on line showing a product, or a person in a short video, followed by a long column of commentors sharing their good experience of using the advertised product.

The long ad looks like a web page, but it is not.

It is a long advertorial – put together with the good SEO (what’s that?…Stay tuned!) – and including the Buy Now prompt, a clickable link, which will take you to a shopping cart or further promo page.

That clickable link is an affiliate link (what’s that?) which means the person who put up the ad will make a commission if you buy.

The video showing you how to use this product isn’t difficult to understand.

You are shown how to pick, out of a large choice of advertorials, a sample ad that catches your eye and which relates to the product you promote on your site.

You can now place your affiliate link into the ad, so that viewers will go to your product page, or straight to the vendor’s sales page, and then buy. Further customization of the ad is required, naturally.

Another standard stated by the developers is that this product should require zero tech skills.

Would that include being able to do what is recommended – not leaving your ad on this huge site, but putting it on your own site?

That is because on the creator site, your ad will load slowly – and don’t you find that annoying? Everybody does!

However on your own domain (web url you own) it will load quickly and be a good user experience.

That’s pretty clear right there – you should have your own web site.

Does This Factor Make Profitorial A Scam?

I don’t think so but I have to say that Newbies with zero tech skills will not be able to figure out and navigate around any inherent difficulties in this system. That’s why I can’t recommend Profitorial. 

thumb down sign

I have tried many products which were purported to make ‘xyz’ – any and all aspects of online marketing easier and faster, and I have yet to find one which is Newbie friendly.

How many times did I get my hopes up that this would be the one to help me make money with my blog? I got tired of the disappointments that I would like to help you avoid.

In my experience, there are no products on line that will help you make money unless:

  • You have your own correctly designed business blog
  • You have a lot of money for paid traffic directed to a sales page
  • You have a monetized youtube channel

That is why I want to share the membership training community where I finally found organized instruction about the professional ways to set up a business blog.

A business blog has certain legal requirements, for both and outside of the US.

A blog designed for business must be crafted with SEOSearch Engine Optimization – the way a blogger picks Keywords that are commonly searched and will result in traffic – or visitors – to your site.

A blog designed to succeed with promoting to either huge or very small Niche markets. 

I keep using that word designed because you can’t just throw a web site together and expect to get visitors and make money.

It is not difficult to do, but taking the time to learn to build out your site in the right sequence saves a ton of time and frustration.

It is so much easier and rewarding if you can learn things like:

  • Picking a Theme (or, look) for your blog that lends itself to business
  • How to discover products in your niche (topic) to review
  • Writing a good review
  • Formatting a good review
  • Writing good titles and headlines with SEO
  • Gaining an extra advantage over other beginners at affiliate marketing who haven’t discovered good training

The financial advantage of the training I recommend is:

  • One week of classes online, done at your own pace, for free
  • One month of continued training for $19.00
  • One year membership for $495 (the price for 10 months, you get 12)
  • Or pay $49.00 a month

There are a lot of details involved in making a good blog. It can be confusing and annoying to spend weeks and months piecing them together trying to get good results.

With seven days access to this blog training university, you will be surprised at how fast you put up a site on line. The platform (coding) is done for you, and once you’ve picked a url (mysite. com, net, us, or co) and voila! you will have a foundation to build on.

You will quickly add required pages like About Me (You) and a Privacy notice page. These are pages you see on every website, right?(Templates are provided.)

You will have Cookies and Disclosures explained and you’ll be given a sample page to customize.

It gets really exciting once you have posted several articles about your topic of interest, and learned how to add your affiliate links, the code that connects you to a sale, so you can get a commission. Click on the blue button below and get an in depth view and experience making one or two web sites for free!

button prompt

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