What Is The Cost Of Setting Up A Website – Is Krowd An Alternative?

Image by Luis J. Albizu from Pixabay

What Is The Cost Of Setting Up A Website

I decided to write about this today after watching some promotional material on a new product called Krowd.


I want to talk about it because looking at what is the costs of setting up a website PLUS all the training you need to learn about marketing online is, a tad more than Krowd’s price.


And within the training I recommend, you will also learn everything Krowd contains.


Krowd’s sales page is not too hype-driven although for a person not familiar with this type of advertising, it can be misleading.


Is Krowd A Scam?


No, it is not a scam. It provides the training needed to use it.It may be borderline as fas as legality goes. It shows you how to “be inspired by” existing content, and then change it for your own use.


This may avoid copyright infringement.


Yet you can learn how to do this yourself and make truly original Pins in minutes without treading this thin path.


How Much Does Krowd Cost?


The initial cost to try it out is under $17.00. For that you see how this training works :

  • You put a keyword in (you must know how to find the best keyword related to a product beforehand))
  • You then can pull up Pins from Pinterest with the keyword on it
  • The product helps you re-design the Pin so you’re not copying copyrighted material
  • You post the Pin with your affiliate link on it – going to a product or your blog post


You must know however, that Pinterest does not always allow affiliate links, but will allow linkage to your blog. (So yes, you must have a blog of your own).


Who Is Krowd For?


Krowd is for marketers who:

  • Already have a blog
  • Can spend $400.00 on Krowd, which gives them shortcuts


On the Krowd sales page right away I could see that the “upsells” – different degrees of usage of the product, can add up to over $400.00.


And then you have to make a website, if you don’t have one that is set up to make affiliate commissions.


By the end of the review, I could see that this could be a helpful product, IF you have a website to send traffic to.


And IF you already know how to find the good keywords.


Also, IF you know what keywords are.


And IF you have already chosen affiliate product(s) to promote and have links in place.


This product claims to be Newbie Friendly and newbies often don’t understand keywords. If you didn’t understand everything I wrote above, then you are too “Newbie” for this product.


I will tell you how to learn how to set up a website for free, below. Or, you can click on the blue button and start right away.



BUTTON join for free



More about Krowd: the sales page for Krowd starts with:

“Instant Access To This 320,000,000 p/m FREE Buyer Traffic Source”


I guessed right away this is Pinterest. Pinterest is a search engine, a site with millions of images and users.


And guess what – you already have instant access to it. You just go to www.pinterest dot com and join.


Some use it for a hobby, collecting and enjoying other people’s images, or “Pins”.  Others use it for marketing.


For instance, I have created pins that if clicked, send you to a specific blog post on one of my blogs.


That blog post is promoting a product. If a reader buys it, I will get a commission on the sale. I am an affiliate marketer, or a business associate of the vendor, on line.


I assume you landed on this page because you’re interested in a work from home job, whether you’re a senior or not.


Whichever keywords you used in your search, they brought you here. (If you didn’t before, now you know what keywords are). That’s not an accident.


See the yellow button below? It explains that if someone buys something from my post, I will get a commission.



This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.



You also have access to several websites that offer images to use for free, and access to Canva, a site where you can design Pins, for free.


After you have designed a few pins, it gets really fast. Here is a short video that illustrates this.



Canva has a paid option too, but I have made my Pins for free.


I know that after making my first few pins, I could do it as fast as the Krowd software can.


Krowd is an option, but if you could spend upward of $400.00, (broken up into monthly payments) and access a community that can teach everything about blogging for money you can probably see that it is a better buy than Krowd, right?


If you are someone who:

  • Wants to work at home
  • Wants to spend time creating financial independence
  • Wants to benefit from a past career or hobby with blogging
  • Wants to learn how to develop a site for business
  • You want to keep working but be your own boss
  • Plans to travel or live in their RV but needs additional income
  • Plans to travel as much as possible and earn money working on line


You can achieve these goals if you get the correct training.


What Is The Cost Of Setting Up A Website With The Best Professional Training?


The training I studied (and still do) for building blogs that make money costs $495.00 a year before discounts.


The first discount is that you can sign up for a free account and study ten classes for no cost at all, and you will not be required to set up a form of payment until you continue further.


The second discount is about 30% off the monthly membership of $49.00 – you pay $19.00 to continue building your affiliate marketing blog  for one month.


The third discount – if you elect to pay the yearly fee of $495.00, you’re getting two months free.


What Do I Get In The Blog For Money Training?


You will get the following:

  • 2 web sites, pre-built, for you to customize
  • How to add required pages about you, and the nature of your blog (copy/paste/customize)
  • How to choose a good marketing product/topic to promote for affiliate commissions
  • How to write good original content
  • How to format a blog post and make it attractive and easy to read
  • How to upload images to enhance social media exposure (and for Pinterest posting)
  • You will get access to mentorship in the form of mini-trainings by member professionals
  • You will have access to over a decade of archived Q&A’s about every aspect of affiliate blogs


And, much more. Trends and requirements to blog online successfully change constantly. Updates are explained to you so you can keep up.


A weekly live webinar walks you through the many techniques of refining your sites, and ends with a live Q&A.


To note something very important – you are never alone. This world wide community has activity 24/7 and there is always someone to help you when you post questions. That could be me if we’re in the same time zone!


I recommend that you start now, and get a close up view of how blogging is done to earn money working from home.





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