Is Agency Press A Scam – Can New Bloggers Make Money Online With It?

Image by William Iven from Pixabay

Is Agency Press A Scam – Can New Bloggers Make Money Online With It?

In this article we will look at:

  • What is Agency Press
  • Is Agency Press A Scam – Can New Bloggers Make Money Online With It?
  • Can anyone use it
  • Is there a better way to build a lasting business online


Is Agency Press A Scam


Let’s see what it claims to do, and if it is a scam or not. The vendor claims it works in the following ways:


  • “Find desperate businesses and automatically add them to our built-in autoresponder
  • The software builds your list for you 24/7
  • Email leads on autopilot using the built-in Done-For-You emails provided
  • Sell in-demand services and deliver them with 1 click
  • 100% Newbie Friendly: our software does all the hard work for you
  • Autopilot free traffic in any niche
  • No technical skills or experience needed
  • Zero monthly fees”


Firstly, Agency Press is a WordPress Plug-in.


If you are a newbie and are here to explore the possibility of building a business you can work from home with your computer, you may know that WordPress is a commonly used platform for web sites.


The WordPress software can be enhanced with Plug-ins, or bits of software that can be added on to your site to make it function better or faster, or automatically, in many ways.


So let’s establish right away that you must have your own web site up and running in order to use Agency Press.


Agency Press is set up with a search feature in it, where you can search by a keyword (business) and area (city or other region), and it will find those related web sites for you.


You can do this without this plug-in, simply by using a search engine. Yet, now you have your results organized for you.


The idea of doing this is now you can set up sales emails to all these businesses with the idea of offering to improve their sites and enhance their business.


You can “Sell in-demand services and deliver them with 1 click”. How does that work?


After you’ve communicated with a potential customer (someone who wants help with their web site) and sold them on whatever service they need that you can do, I’m sure there has been a lot more than “1 click” on your part.


If you are a newbie how do you know what the in-demand services are?


You don’t, unless you have made a web site yourself and done everything possible to make it fast, organized, easy to read, and generally attractive.


If you came here to learn how to do that, and would like a free professional guide, click the blue bar below. Just start!




No technical skills or experience needed“…really? That is an emotion – triggered line, because of course buyers want to feel that they can do this!


When I was a newbie I didn’t have a business designed WordPress blog, and I did not know how to find, download and install a Plug-in.


I did not know how to write emails for an extended campaign to find buyers for products or customers for services.


I did not know how to find keywords (words that people use searching for something specific on line).


So that claim is a little hyped, right?


The trouble is, if you buy this and don’t know what to do next – what will you do? Look for help, right? That is why I put that link up there in the blue bar, so you can find the right information.  

This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.


Agency Press also provides emails, written for you, which you can customize for those prospective web site owners it found for you.


Note that, everyone else who buys this product will have the same emails. Just so you know.


builds your list for you 24/7“. No, it is not doing anything unless you’re seated at the computer working. 


Autopilot free traffic”. No, there’s no autopilot. The people you email respond to you or they don’t.


You need to present expertise, and some business level charm, in order to get responses.


How Much Does Agency Press Cost?


$17.00 Initial outlay – described as everything you need to create a full time business

$36.93  Pro Version – why would you get this, you just bought “everything you need”

$36.93  The Done For You version – whoa the demo for the $17.00 version shows it’s all done for you

$46.93 Reseller’s licence (you can resell Agency Press)


There are five more additional products to complete Agency Press, all under $40.00 so you could spend another $200.00 for more training material.


You could apply all of this material to create your own web site, or build sites for others.


But here’s where you can get stuck (unless you’re an experienced blogger/marketer in which case you’re probably doing all this anyway).


Agency press provides the plug-ins and sample pages for:

  • SEO enhancement (helping search engines find you)
  • Privacy Policy page/cookie policy page
  • Earnings disclosure page
  • About You page
  • GDPR compliance page*
  • Auto Content creation
  • Prepared emails

* “The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas. The GDPR’s primary aim is to give control to individuals over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU.[1] Superseding the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, the regulation contains provisions and requirements related to the processing of personal data of individuals (formally called data subjects in the GDPR) who are located in the EEA, and applies to any enterprise—regardless of its location and the data subjects’ citizenship or residence—that is processing the personal information of data subjects inside the EEA. – Wikipedia


Yet, I still recommend the blog training I found that taught all of this, and provided much sample material.




Because you can learn all the background material behind these different aspects of making a good blog, why things go together the way they do, legal requirements (which change from time to time), and how to make menus on your site.


That’s just a few examples.


Once you learn to build one good web site, you can make many more.


You could also provide services for local businesses, to improve their on line profile, once you have done them for your own sites.


Is Agency Press a scam?


No it is not a scam but it is certainly not newbie friendly and it will not work 24/7 for you on autopilot as it is described to do.


What Will Work 24/7 For Me On Autopilot?


Learn how to make a good blog the right way.


Devote consistent time to writing content that provides useful information to your visitors.


Keep building content that will bring you buyers for (in most cases) other people’s products that will pay out commissions to you.


Rinse/repeat, Rinse/repeat, Rinse/repeat, Rinse/repeat.


After a while (and it depends on whether you’re blog building part time or full time) you will have money coming in while you sleep, so to speak, and you will have created a source of passive income.


As you keep up your Rinse/Repeat cycles, and gain recognition and trust with your visitors, you can start another site, while maintaining your first one, although not at such a rigorous pace.


You have the choice to do that, or simply keep expanding your initial blog. Options are open with blogging!


With some completely free (no payment form asked for either) training walking you through the steps of developing a blog for business, you will know if this is something that excites you to continue.


You will know enough to understand the value of the small investment costs for you to proceed with pro training and succeed at working from home online.



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