How To Turn A Hobby Into Business

Notice the resourcefulness of seniors you know. Today I was thinking of my mother, and how hard she worked when I was young. She didn’t go to work every day, but worked at home. With sheer determination, she learned how to turn a hobby into business income.

How To Start A Home Business With No Money


There are no “no money” opportunities, so don’t fall for that. You are already paying for an internet connection, you have a computer, tablet or phone, and you’ve paid for those.


Many decades before the internet, my mom had to learn everything about her home business – dog breeding – by writing away for information.


She needed to learn about:

  • The Kennel Club and breed certifications
  • Dogs known for producing good pups
  • Veterinarian costs for litters/health and nutrition needs
  • How close in terms of miles were appropriate studs (i.e., show champions)
  • How much did the breeding cost
  • The portion of the home needed for housing litters/yard needs
  • Business legalities and record keeping


She started with mailing costs, materials and a lot of waiting time.


If her hobby had been sewing – which she was skilled in – or knitting – also a skill of hers – the steps would have been the same.


What the web saves us from now, is time consumption.

hour glass leaking
Don’t Waste Time!


If you are a senior or disabled person who needs to augment your income from home, you really don’t want to waste time, do you?


And I can help you with that!

How To Learn Internet Marketing Online


Fast forward to modern day small home business behavior…If your hobby is producing physical products like:

  • Wood carvings
  • Paintings/prints/wall decor/metal works
  • Sewn/knit/crochet products
  • Books or non-physical e-books
  • Collectibles like books, antiques, china sets, crystal sets, flatware sets no longer in production
  • Puppies
  • Self-help books or techniques
  • Recipe videos


You can find an outlet like your own Amazon store, where amazon will place your products on its site, and also place them in their warehouses and take care of the orders and shipping.

paint brushes
How To Market Your Beautiful Products



A website like Etsy will also show your products and give you a web page with a shopping cart, to take orders. You do the shipping and state your terms as you like.


You can create your own Youtube channel with videos that promote your own or others’ products, and make money from advertisers.

Start Your Own Blog Free Online



You will need your own blog. You want the world of consumers to know that your products, or referrals to products, are available, and how to get them


What do I mean by your referrals?


This blog is all about affiliate marketing, or referral marketing. My referral to you, about how to learn to make a blog for business, is Wealthy Affiliate training.


I also am an affiliate with Amazon, a vitamin company, and Clickbank.


Here is my article explaining Clickbank, a digital marketplace where vendors place their products and you can refer them, and make commissions from sales.


Clickbank logo
Good Affiliate Program Commission

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing System


If you shop on amazon and find a product on someone’s blog recommending it, they get a commission. That does not change your price, so it is a win-win situation.

My article about one example of amazon recommendations is Amazon For Wedding Gifts



Gift Sets At Amazon


My vitamin and supplements blog is here.


For blog writing, I will share with you my heartily recommended choice, where I finally found the correct information about building a business site.


I found this incredible membership community after many attempts with blogging and marketing courses, all of which gave me only part of the picture.


To fulfill your dreams of turning a hobby, or perhaps your expertise from a wage job/career into a home business, I don’t want you to waste years and money pouring your heart into a blog that isn’t designed for marketing.


There is a place on line that offers you the big picture of marketing online and allows you to create two blogs online, published, with no up front cost whatsoever.


This offer is for a seven day period, as much as you can do.


You will have a community to engage with as you go. You will create as you go, and see the growing web site with every step.


blog word and planet


That’s pretty exciting isn’t it?


You’ll learn some important tips for making your blog visible to people who are searching for your hobby products, or your informational products about the hobby items.


That is called blog traffic.

How To Get More Traffic With Your Blog


Your ideal traffic is from people ready to buy whatever you are writing about.


Yet you can also draw readers who are searching for information. You can provide articles discussing the different specs or varieties of the product topic.


This why the first steps of designing your blog are so important. If you get those tracks laid properly, it will be easier to progress with your site building.


The general plan is to write a lot of content, up to at least one hundred articles. This is not going to be a problem, because you have chosen a topic you can go on and on about, right? A real passion!



photo wordpress blog editor
Start Writing Here


The specific plan is to form a site with some built-in advantages that allow you to track your progress with help from Google and other search engines.


My favorite teaching site provides this, including your two free blogs.


Click here for my article Learn To Find Keywords about finding key search words to enhance your content.


Are You Ready To Make Two Blogs For Free


Whether your mom had a home business, or your inspiration or need comes from where you have ended up in your life, this is do-able!


You can build a home business with online marketing.


It is not overnight.


It could be six months to a year before you start seeing significant income.


It may cost you $300 – $400 USD over your first year.


You will get about a 50% discount on domain name purchases (the


You will get your blogs placed on their servers, or hosted, for free.


Or pay $12.00 per month, per blog, elsewhere.


If you want to start now to find out what you can do, and how much is possible,




Have you started blogging already? What was your inspiration? Please share your adventure with us! Use the comment box below.


8 thoughts on “How To Turn A Hobby Into Business”

  1. thanks for this post. I agree with you that internet since its launching has saved the world from so many stressful and time consuming engagements. I believe setting up an affiliate marketing business and getting it right is the best thing a person could do to ensure steady passive and active income. I am currently an affiliate marketer and I am an affiliate for clickbank and amazon. Thanks for sharing others with me. It will help alot.

    • Hi RoDerrick, and you’re welcome! I truly aspire to help seniors and others if they want to start a home business using the resources that they already have.

      People will always need certain materials in life, regardless of their income. Shopping online will not go away!

      To assist beginners in avoiding the scams, the lame course that make promises and don’t deliver, is my goal.

      To your success online!

  2. I consider myself lucky to have discovered Wealthy Affiliate over three years ago without having wasted money on any of the internet marketing scam programs. I can vouch for the fact that Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal. There are no upsells or  false promises if you decide to join WA. The training is amazing and the community support is huge. You are so right about time being a valuable commodity to anyone running a home business and I love the fact that I can get my questions all answered in one spot.

    • Hi Lynn. Thanks for sharing your experience and vouching for Wealthy Affiliate. It isn’t for everyone, of course. It is a real job training source, and people with the real ambition to succeed will persevere and see good results.

      The community factor is a big ingredient for success. Getting walked through the steps to, for example, apply the GDPR requirements, or do a proper backup of your site, is valuable. There are many things that are hard to figure out on one’s own, that this community provides the how-to’s for.

      To your success!

  3. Question: Have you created other websites breaking down the multiple topics you shared on your site? 

    I thoroughly enjoyed going thru each area and many of these topics address questions that the 50+ crowd I address in my own site have contemplated – how to turn a hobby into a business. It is true that the web helps us eliminate handling time-consuming things when most communication used to be done by postal mail only. But we have the cell phone, text, e-mail and even faxes are going away slowly but surely.

    I am a budding web design creator thanks to the WA site. It’s provided me the platform and trainings; I am most particularly interested in finding out how you decide to layout where you put your links and ads to the products and services pertaining to the topic of your website.  

    It was enjoyable to go thru each area, read and learn. I hope you continue to do more sites like this or add more articles pertinent to helping seniors and disabled (of which I have many friends and peers in these two categories) not knowing “how” and I keep referring them to the WA site and check out my website as well.

    Information is so critical to expand knowledge and application in learning new things. Your topic has validated that need in your posts. Thank you so much!

    • Hello Haiku67girl – it sounds like you’re a poet! Yes, I am developing some other sites on topics I mention a lot in my Seniors’ site. Particularly, about health supplements and healthy fats.

      It is a lot of work, but definitely worth it, with Wealthy Affiliate support. The live webinars give even more information on where to add links, how many to use et al.

      Anyone using this training community will certainly not be wasting their time struggling, which is why I recommend it to seniors.

      To your web site successes!

  4. Excellent article. I got a lot of gems from the information you shared (and I’m not a senior citizen, lol). I never gave much thought about how much time was allocated to research before the convenience of engine searches. I suppose we take a lot of things for granted nowadays.  

    In the past, I have used Amazon to promote items listed on their website, but I never thought about using their warehouse to turn my hobby into a business. This is something I’m definitely looking into.

    Thanks for sharing,


    • Hi Jen. Thanks for your input here. Yes, Amazon does give us different ways to either sell or promote for referral commissions.

      And there are so many other opportunities for internet marketing, all outlined in the Wealthy Affiliate training.

      Best wished for your marketing success!


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