How Hard Is It To Write A Good Book – Affiliate Marketing For Seniors

How hard is it to write a good book?

How hard is it to write a good book? This question was asked of me by someone who is exploring:

  1. Why start a blog in retirement (to market their book or someone else’s material).
  2. Is affiliate marketing for seniors something they can learn


There are good reasons for seniors – you – to want to learn more about writing, writing online, and how to benefit financially from:

  • A memoir focused on your life experience in relation to your attitude  (positive and negative)
  • A memoir focused on a cherished hobby about which you are an expert about execution and products needed for it 
  • A new career with a pleasant ability to work at home 
  • A digital business you can work while traveling or vacationing  


If you’re completely new to the topic of affiliate marketing, click over to my post HERE where I explain the basics. 


Whether you decide to write a book, a memoir, or promote someone else’s book, the methods of affiliate marketing will apply the same. Learning affiliate marketing for seniors will give you the boost you need to become visible online. I learned the correct business approach to blogging with a free account to a training community, and you can do the same. Click on the blue button below.



This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.






Affiliate Marketing for Seniors: A Beginner’s Guide to Financial Freedom

 For the purpose of elaborating on how you can learn to blog while writing your own book/memoir, I’ll proceed on the premise that you’re retired, and have at least the 40 hours per week that you used to work, plus how ever many more you choose to use. I will also proceed assuming that you have your free account and you are doing the beginner actions – you are viewing the basic classes.


You’ll find out:

  • This training gives you access to the platform called WordPress on which (virtually) you will build a blog, or web site 
  • This training gives you an enormous community of members to learn along with, and to learn from  – you’re not alone!
  • You will be guided on how to get a domain name – – and that you can have that hosted – or virtually housed – snugly at home in this same community, with excellent technical support


CLICK HERE to see  a video from the training website and what a Starter Membership gives you before you pay anything.


Blogging for Authors: How to Leverage Online Writing to Promote Your Book 

(I haven’t forgotten the question “how hard is it to write a good book“).


All of the following applies whether you are marketing material you created, or somebody else’s material or product. And you can do both on one blog!


Your authorship can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. Your difficulties can vary significantly from other writers’, and depend on several factors.


Skill and Experience: If you’re retired, or are towards the end of a career that involved writing, completing a good book won’t be that hard. You may be familiar with the formatting, digital tools, character development, and storytelling techniques.


Note: this background will also contribute to the success of your promotional blog with which you will market your book, or someone else’s written material or physical product for affiliate commissions.


How Long Does It take To Write A Good Book


Even with experience, writing a book is a time-consuming process. Yet you get to choose whether you want to write a 350 page novel, memoir, or a series of short books you can self-publish and promote as you develop your blog.


I mention the series of short books, because you may be earning income from one or more, while you write and promote the next one. Makes sense, right?


Creativity and Inspiration: The ongoing requirement to generate unique and helpful ideas is crucial. Your degree of enthusiasm will help you avoid  writer’s block and help you maintain inspiration.


If you don’t have a theme, or niche interest in mind for a book or a blog, the training I recommend will help you select a successful topic(s) for you to blog about – topics that will earn you affiliate commissions.


Writing, especially a book, is just the first step. Correct guidance followed by practice, in formatting blog posts, decreases the edit and revision of your manuscript/material to achieve clarity, coherence, and overall quality. This will avoid your new career becoming another 9-5 grind!


Perseverance: Writing a book requires discipline. Everyone kind of knows that, right?


Writing a blog requires consistency of a publishing schedule.  This is but one of the factors that search engines take into account when ranking your work (deciding whether to have it visible online or not). You have good days and less good days, depending on what your world at large is doing.


On good days you may get several blog posts written, which you can schedule for publication on days you don’t necessarily get anything written.


Audience and Market: Understanding your target audience – your niche – and the market for your book (or someone else’s) can increase your success. Researching and customizing your content to meet reader expectations can be greatly accelerated with training.


On the training site I recommend there are plenty of classes in research, including the beneficial use of AI tools to help you! This instructional community is constantly updated, keeping the members informed of changes in the cyber world.


In summary, while creating a good book and blog site can be a huge learning curve, your dedication, perseverance, and a love for storytelling or sharing information will ultimately bring you the satisfaction of completing your goals and developing an income from your efforts.


Are you ready to learn affiliate marketing for seniors and explore more? Just CLICK below now!







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