Bone Marrow Broth Benefits

The value of bone broth has been recognized throughout recorded history in every culture I’ve been able to read about. Bone marrow broth benefits include the release of collagen, to restore soft tissues in the body after accidents or other injury.

Bone Broth Recipe For A Slow Cooker


I am specifically referring here, to an electric slow cooker, or crock pot, that you can leave cooking while you’re out of the home.

Bone broth can be slow cooked on the stove. I tend to write for working people, whether senior or not, and I certainly don’t recommend you leaving the stove on when you’re not home.

Here is a video telling you how to use your slow cooker for making bone broth.

The Naturopath physician explains that the broth benefits include:

  • Stimulating your immune system
  • Provides concentrated protein
  • Detoxes the body/is a cleansing food without fasting

And in the spirit of this blog, which is about Affiliate Marketing, here are crock pots to view, presented as you will when you embark on your own marketing online journey.

Click on the pot to view this multi-use cooker, best seller!


cooker for bone broth benefits
Extra large cooker. Click on the pot!


Those products are linked to Amazon. If a reader here clicks on the images, and buys one, I will get a commission from Amazon for the referral.

I will tell you, for your blog, to instruct the reader to “CLICK HERE” or “CLICK ON THE IMAGE” to see the details, or learn more.

Blogging For Money And Health Benefits


This blog’s purpose is to show you where to go for the best training available on the web to learn site building for business.

To teach you how to blog for:

  • Extra income/full time income
  • A better life/health benefits
  • Independence for any age person, and especially in your over 60 years
  • Extra income if you live on disability benefits/cannot leave your home to work
  • Self expression, sharing information, and wouldn’t mind your site paying for itself
health benefits of working at home
To Your Health!


For example, I’ve wriiten an article focused on health – Health Benefits Of Working At Home“. You can click on that title and you’ll end up on a new page, and this one will stay open.

In my article I Love My Work At Home Job, I give you lots of ideas, if you think you can’t write.

A third article covers these topics:

Make A Living On Your Computer

  • How To Make Money Without Leaving The House
  • Make Money While Traveling Around The World
  • Make Money While Traveling In Your Rv
  • Retirement RV Living

If you’d like to try some real blog training for a week, no cost (no payment method asked)




More Bone Broth Benefits


“You can get more collagen by eating wild-caught salmon, as well as eggs
and avocados. But bone broth is where you’ll get the biggest collagen
bang for your buck.” – Dr. Al Sears

Collagen not only enhances your skin and connective tissues, but it supports a body part called the
“extracellular matrix” (ECM) which controls the communication between your immune system and your nervous system.

“In biology, the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a three-dimensional network of extracellular macromolecules, such as collagen, enzymes, and glycoproteins, that provide structural and biochemical support of surrounding cells. Because multicellularity evolved independently in different multicellular lineages, the composition of ECM varies between multicellular structures; however, cell adhesion, cell-to-cell communication and differentiation are commonfunctions of the ECM”


The ECM is made of proteins such as collagen and elastin. Its health can be damaged by chronic pain. The ECM tissue in the brain can become compromised. This is a little complicated and involves the memory of pain.

cranium extra cellular matric ECM

Yet this damage can be reversed.

If you can consume more collagen the repair of the ECM will also result in a reduction of pain. Collagen doesn’t just support soft tissues, but builds bone matrix too.

There Is More To Bone Broth


“Chinese research on bone broth revealed that the calcium present in the
bones is useful in controlling pain and inflammation, cramps, muscle
spasms, delusions, depression, insomnia, irritability, hyperactivity,
anxiety, palpitations, hypertension, high cholesterol, allergies,
brittle nails, periodontal and dental disease, pica, rickets,
osteomalacia, osteoporosis and any situation that creates bone loss such
as aging, immobilisation, postmenopause, and caffeine.”

That is pretty impressive, don’t you think? And that quote is from an article about broth made from cow hooves.

Many people with leaky gut problems are encouraged to make bone broth, as it has a healing affect on the gut lining. It also prevents parasites from clinging to the gut, and they can be excreted.

Cow hooves can be purchased stripped and cleaned. In fact, the hooves are removed, and the cut is from the heel to the knee. Some recommend that they soak them for forty-eight hours, with the water being changed frequently.

Simmering over ten hours, up to forty-eight hours (per the video above) is reccommeded. Condiments and spices can be added in the final stages.

Armenians have their own recipe and use this health-laden broth for a social ceremony. Blogger Hairenik has written a colorful account of that HERE.


cow for bone marrow broth
Bless the beasts that bless us!

Is Bone Broth Anti-Inflammatory?


Bone marrow broth is a traditional, used for centuries, anti-inflammatory remedy. It can affect any suffering tissue in the body. It can be added to your physician recommended treatments for:

  • Sprains, strains, breaks and impacts
  • Joint and muscle pain/arthritis
  • Leaky gut and other related gastrointestinal discomforts, including food allergies
  • Dry, flaky and cracking skin
  • For some, improved hair growth and thickness

More reference material:

Homemade Bone Broths for Healing, Including Fighting the Flu

18 Amazing Health Benefits Of Bone Broth – Louise Hay

“consuming bone broth during a respiratory infection reduces the number of white blood cells”


I will be making pots of the broth and freezing in two pint tubs. Wouldn’t this be handy to have in the freezer for when you feel a cold coming on? Or a flu or cough?

This is so easy to give to children when they start complaining about feeling sick or feverish.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they served this in senior homes and rehabilitation centers instead of that boxed frozen food?

Shouldn’t your orthopedic doc be handing out the recipe with your other discharge papers? Or your internist? Seriously!

Have you tried making bone broth? Do you remember your parents or grandparents making it? I am curious, so please do share in the comment box below.

I recommend fresh made foods to be consumed whenever possible. But right now I do have a broken bone and am staying at a friend’s, to avoid stairs. And I just found this, grass fed sourced beef collagen. It will do for now.

(If you want vegetarian gelatin CLICK HERE.)


bone masrrow broth benefits
CLICK on the image to view more.

4 thoughts on “Bone Marrow Broth Benefits”

  1. is bone broth more healthful than chicken broth? I do not eat meat so I would not take this product but if there were benefits to something like vegetable broth then I would be interested. Im sure there are fundamental ingredients to broth that are in vegetable broth as well that can be useful in protecting our cells.

    • Hi Jon, thanks for your feed back.

      You can buy vegetarian gelatin powder, I think the most common is from agar agar. There is a link to one at the very bottom of my article.

      Chicken bones, including the feet can be made into a good broth. It is by the same process as beef or pork.

      To your health!

  2. You’ve done well with this oage; I didn’t realize there were so many ways of marketing and getting leads. I wish I had known this a long time ago. This is an eye opener for me; I have heard and read about the benefits of bone marrow broth but I haven’t tasted its benefits this much.  I can say authoritavely that this is the most comprehensive review I have ever read on bone marrow broth. This is the type of information some so-called gurus will love to hide from public knowledge. I’m so happy I found your blog

    • Hi WF! It is true that gurus of all kinds are great salesmen, and one technique is to hold back information. Get a good hook, but make the customer buy to get the whole story.

      That’s what I love about Wealthy Affiliate for training. Nothing is held back. It is up to the individual to simply do the training (all of it!), and engage with the community.

      Updates, tips and tricks, are all part of it. No secrets!

      I am glad you found this article valuable.


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