Retired, Need More Income

Retired, Need More Income!

Almost everyone I know both locally and online who is retired or who would like to be retired, needs more income.

We seem to be in uncertain times with great social unrest and much written about but unclear reports, on the financial condition of the world.

It seems like there are things being hidden because no one (who isn’t selling something) is making much comprehensible.

There are many offers of how to clean up on stocks/gold/currencies by taking advantage of the avalanche of losses expected to befall the lesser informed. Like you and I.

It smacks of the crassness that has already been assigned to the “1%” and does make it clear that the rest of us will be left treading water.

A Solution Please!

This blog is about learning how to make money online, primarily as an affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketing can become very lucrative for those who get good training, make some investment into the business model, and stick with a plan.plan your online business

This post is to clear away some of the mystique and possible mistrust of an “online offer” by describing the actual elements of activity that should be included in any offer to train you in blog writing.

Here is my recommendation for how to get started with Wealthy Affiliate University for both education and a sound investment.

One of its special features is that you can try out this system and test drive it for zero money up front.

CLick here to read my article outlining why I chose it over other options.

Earn Money Being Online

Get good training: if you enjoy writing, you don’t require a past in professional advertising or marketing to create a visually appealing blog that presents information about a specific product, line of products, or related products.

For success, choosing something that you are/were an expert about, or intensely interested in, is the way to go.

This could be a hobby like camping or fishing, model trains, Legos, or any number of skilled artisan crafts like jewelry, painting, sewing, stained glass and the like.learn marketing to online shoppers

Just think of how many people go straight to Amazon and other large retailers when they’re looking for supplies or information for any of those things mentioned above.

And how easy it is to explain to a pal why the XYZ fishing rod is better, because of the benefits of using it instead of the other one.

The level of your interest in the product you choose to blog about is important because you will do a lot of writing on your blog! Perhaps 2000 to 3000 words a week, or more.

 Ten Ingredients For Training To Earn Money With A Blog

computer with elephant
Technique + imagination
  • Choose a product or line of products to review and promote, your niche (neesh or nich)
  • Get the best instruction for how you make money with a blog
  • Choose a domain name – “mysite dot…”
  • Set up your blog for functionality (not from scratch, the WordPress platform and  does that for you)
  • Theme choice for visual appearance
  • Configure for best search engine visibility. WordPress can then automate it.
  • Learn about the conversational blog “voice” and the best writing format for easy reading
  • Explore social media sharing and the give-and-take activities to promote your blog posts
  • List all the characteristics, qualities and benefits of your niche, each for a post idea (google helps a lot!)
  • Add images to posts, publish, and then go back and keep improving while you learn more

The incredible benefit to you with this training is that you are walked through each part step by step. There is no guess work. You can review it as many times as you need.

Click over to this Classroom page and you’ll see how this is organized by my recommended training system.classroom about marketing online

One main skill you will develop is the art of using the right keywords to attract the individuals who are ready to buy that fishing rod.

You will get a chance to test drive the keyword tool offered in the trial period of your training. Here’s a post where you can learn more about those keywords. Just click here.

Your Initial Investment – Time

Your time is well spent on good training. Take advantage now, and have more free time later.

Time is precious and you don’t want to waste any.

Would you like a free trial period to actually DO the tasks required to build a test website?

If so, get a click over to the free starter account and start immediately!

Get A Plan: the free trial gives you classrooms, video walk-throughs and access to live feed help for seven days. stickies on cork board

Think about how many hours you have to spare in the next week. Probably more than you would have thought if you weren’t contemplating a brighter future to gain.

Here’s how I think this really can work for most people. Adjust in whatever way you need depending on whether you’re still working full time, part time, or if you’re already retired at home:

  • Pick out hours in a day when you can be online and studying, and give yourself some breaks too
  • Make sure you will be comfortable wherever you sit (or stand as many do now) at your computer
  • Use a timer so you won’t get burned out staring at the screen for too long
  • With the videos, stop and re-view whenever you don’t understand something (text is provided too)
  • View the discussions below the videos – there are tons of questions and answers for clarification

Take a look at these recent personal comments by newcomer online business trainees at Wealthy Affiliate (just click here).

These are comments by real users active in the website building classrooms, many still in their trial.

And those who ask for help get it, right away. This is because many successful site owners stay in the community, primarily because:

  • Training is being updated constantly, including a weekly live webinar
  • Those who enjoy teaching post their own mini training on the many details of enhancing your website, and all kinds of advanced configurations with which to improve your visibility online.

This level of training will clarify the details for you.

Wealthy Affiliate training is complete and it takes a few months to get a website stocked with your original content and visibility in the search engine results.

Your investment in this endeavor creates a long term job for you (on your terms!), and the rewards will change your life.

When you see what you can do in a few days, with authentic instruction and tons of support, youthumbs up sign colored can then decide if you want to move forward in this community.

I guarantee that such education is hard to find – it took me a few years!

Trying out this unique educational site will save you time, money and trouble.

All the posts on this site are devoted to illustrating different aspects of internet marketing and how it can benefit you as a retired or semi-retired person who needs more income.

Go for it, Click here now and get these training benefits!

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I will get back to you!


2 thoughts on “Retired, Need More Income”

  1. Unfortunately, I’m not retired yet but I know a few people who are and they sure could benefit from this article. 🙂

    I think with the world’s economy as it stands, it really now is the time for retirees to take action because the Government is not to be relied on, especially in the UK where I live. Affiliate marketing really is the perfect option for any retired person to top up their current levels of income, and blogging certainly is the platform to help with that.

    Wealthy Affiliate sure sounds like an awesome place for an online business education, building a website and support too. So I’ll definitely forward this post on to my retired friends and encourage them to get their free WA starter accounts.


    • Thank you Neil!I believe this information about marketing online can help many seniors and anyone who wants to increase their income. In the crash of 2008 I personally saw friends losing investment properties that were to be part or all of their retirement plans. That was a terrible blow and siphoned off more wealth “up to the top”. For many, working online is the lowest cost investment in a business a person could choose. It’s real work, and it does create a future. Appreciate your input!


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