How Do I Succeed In The Affiliate Market

How Do I Succeed In The Affiliate Market

After blogging for a few months with no training, I became aware of the competition in the niche I had chosen. Uh-oh, I thought, how do I succeed in the affiliate market. I was doing one main thing right, which was writing four to five blog posts a week.
If you’d  like to become a blogger to supplement your income in retirement, or for any reason, you will need a step-by-step guide for retirees starting affiliate marketing. This post you’re reading is an affiliate marketing post – and that’s why you see the disclosure below. 
This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.


This is something you’ll need to have on your blog posts, to let your readers know that you will get a commission if they buy an item after following a link you had on your article. Your affiliate link.


How Can I Start Affiliate Marketing


Start with the best organized and methodical training by clicking on the button below. It takes you to a sign up page where you can create an account with no payment needed. You will have access to some basic classes and you’ll get an idea of what the site has to offer.






How do I become successful at affiliate marketing even with no experience


As I suggested above, you want to start with the best training available. The site I recommend offers you the necessary basics right from the gate. If you have no experience, you don’t know how to create the following:


  • A Privacy Policy/Cookie policy to reassure readers they have privacy protection
  • An About Me page so readers can know a little about you and that they can trust you
  • A contact page so readers can contact you if they want


These pages are provided for you – a template is available that you can edit to insert your name, your blog name, or any other customization you need.


The Contact page and Privacy/Cookies page are legal requirements btw.


Nowadays, I no longer write 4-5 blog posts a week. I write 2, and the reason for this is I learned about proper research, and the benefits of investing time in it.


Research involves SEO or Search Engine Optimization. This important, it takes time (even with AI) and once you know about it, you also will need practice and you’ll get better and better as you go.


And, what is that? SEO ? It is the way you choose words that correspond to the words that people put in their search field to find a product or information on a topic that YOU write about. For instance you have searched using the same or similar words that I chose for the title of this post.


And why am I writing about this topic? Why is this whole blog about this topic? Because I want to help you learn how to succeed in affiliate marketing. This post contains affiliate links.


If you click over to start your free account from here, and after viewing the basic classes offered, and purchase the training, I will get a small commission.


On some of my other posts, you would click over to buy something from Amazon, ClickBank, or a retailer whose single product I recommend. Here is an example of a popular post of mine about a digital instant-download product about visualization and affirmations. 


Joe Vitale Awakened Millionaire Scam Or Real Path To Making Money


This is an article about a single product:


BodyBoss Home Gym 2 Review


Even though you can find this on Amazon and EBay, I chose the retailer to be an affiliate for because:

  1. The cookies  last longer than 24 hours (cookies being the connection between the blogger and the purchase)
  2. The commission is much higher.


I used an SEO tool to pick those titles. People want help, they’re attracted to the idea of becoming a millionaire (or anywhere close, right?) and you want to know it’s not a scam. When someone buys that package, I get a commission.


That’s affiliate marketing. And, that SEO tool is available to members of this training community. So, you can become successful in affiliate marketing even with no experience – because you’re going to get the right experience with the right training.


Some skeptics say that anything you need to know about affiliate marketing is freely available online. Sure, there are hundreds of YouTube videos on blogging better, how to find keywords, how to do YouTube videos and many more topics about creating a successful, legally presented site with helpful content.


And you could spend months putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Maybe you could do a good job of that, and maybe not.


And wouldn’t that time be best spent in following a step-by-step progression of classes? While you’re creating your blog as you go?


Now is a very exciting time to learn blogging. The recent additions on the site I’m referring to here, all have to do with how to use AI to your advantage, and how to avoid the pitfalls.


Overview of AI


That is another major feature of this training – it is constantly updating. The world and the internet is constantly changing and we need to keep up!


For a moment, think about one or more of your favorite blogs. You like them because they are informative, attractive to view and easy to navigate – things like that, right?


You can do that too! You won’t be asked for a payment method when you start your free account. That will come when you decide to commit to a monthly ($49.00) or annual payment (12 months for the price of 10).


So don’t wait! Learn to succeed in the affiliate market!





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