What Is Clickbank University A Scam – Or Will You Make Money?

What Is ClickBank University A Scam – Or Worth Your Money And Time?


Is ClickBank University A Scam – or can it help with affiliate marketing?


You can’t read much about making money on line without hearing those words “is xyz a scam”, a lot.


Maybe you want to investigate what this business style can do for you. Many of you have heard about ClickBank University and some have asked me “What is ClickBank University – a scam – is it worth the money?


People want to know:

  • Can you make money with ClickBank (yes)
  • How much does it cost to join ClickBank (nothing)
  • Does ClickBank pay per click (no)
  • Is ClickBank legit (yes)


ClickBank is a huge marketplace of affiliate marketing products (specifically, digital products) which means people promoting those products (other people’s creations) make a commission from each product sold.


This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.


One good thing about selling whatever you can promote (out of interest or skill) is you don’t have to deal with customers’ grievances, transactions, or keep products in stock.


That is the essence of affiliate marketing, including ClickBank’s products.


Hang in, I am getting to the ‘University’ aspect of ClickBank.


ClickBank University is not one of the various systems that automate promotions for you.


The 1.0 version of ClickBank’s training was geared more toward affiliate marketers.


The 2.0 (current) training is geared  more toward vendors, starting with how to make products (more tools to buy).


The instruction then goes into the complete sales process and all its various steps to success.


Either way, ClickBank training costs, initially $47.00 per month for access.


More training adds up to $598.00 in fees.


ClickBank features products that “do it for you” in terms of setting up a system to market products, place ads ($you pay for those$) and automate email campaigns ($ you pay for those too$) for you.


Which is not cheap. And you’re not in control of those systems – the owner is.


What I like about ClickBank is that the all digital products are appealing to people who can download them as soon as they buy.


This is a huge PRO that works for you and the customer.


There will be some returns, but in my experience that is not a big CON on the money you can make with a good blog promoting a ClickBank product.


You certainly need to get some correct affiliate training for how to effectively market ClickBank products, or any other affiliate product that might be a special passion of yours.


You also are going to need knowledge about specific blogging tools to get the sales made.


Now at my special university of choice for affiliate training, they have all the tools that you need to know to promote ClickBank products and any kind of product that will set you up to build a real business blog, designed for financial success.


ClickBank University will cost you a few hundred dollars for all of its training on selling ClickBank products.


But do you need it?


Would you like to learn how to make money from affiliate marketing (any kind of product) starting with some free classes?






The fact of the matter is that I made money affiliate marketing a digital product via ClickBank in my online business before ClickBank University even existed!


But, after a couple of years I hit a wall because I needed proper affiliate training to build a blog that I owned.


I had been using a free blogging platform, but needed to move on and become more professional.


I also needed to be able to make a good blog for promoting other products – to generate a diversity of on line sales!


Then I found a fantastic training that gave me access to the real secrets of making money on line.


The real secrets to building a blog for money that would eventually generate income, ongoing.


If you have a few hundred dollars to throw, and if you are only interested in promoting digital products, go ahead and buy ClickBank University.


It is not a scam.


But it teaches a limited scope of marketing, limited to only ClickBank products.


If you are a senior who wants to learn work at home jobs options, I want to help you start working towards being your own boss and living for yourself.


I want you to be able to earn income by promoting any kind of product.


I want you to diversify your sources of income, once you have a blog or two up and running.


How would you like to be able to:

  • Keep healthier hours (your choice!)
  • Spend more time with family and pals
  • Travel and still blog for money
  • Have no commute and auto and gas expenses
  • Add to your SS income
  • Take long RV trips (or live in your motor home) and earn money with your laptop


Those goals are not that far out of reach with affiliate marketing, learned the right way.


With methodical blog building instruction that will help you succeed.


Think about it – you’ve worked long and hard for decades already (unless you’re not a senior but want to start up an online business with all its  advantages while you’re younger).


Now you can find out secrets like how you landed on this page today. No accident!


That one factor is a big deal, and my recommended training site teaches you the basics, as well as volumes of tips and tricks contributed by the membership of professionals.


While you’re doing the basic classes, you won’t be wondering “but how do you do this, and how do you do that” as you see the different facets of building a site presented.


Even though I made money in my earlier days of marketing, I would look upon more professionally made blogs with envy. I did not know how to find out how those techniques, or what they were called.


I had discovered one bloggers’ forum and they were friendly folk, but they all had made their web sites by writing code. No way could I do that.


Fortunately, you can skip all that distracting worry and just learn the plain and simple way to get a blog going, and the required elements like:

  • Choosing the best Theme (appearance) for your topic
  • Getting found on line
  • Creating blog posts that inform
  • Adding appropriate images (that are free to use)
  • Writing enough in a post, and how to break your information up in sections
  • How to include legally required disclosures
  • How to include non-US required disclosures
  • How to use the Google and other search engines to help you track your progress


You know, I could add a lot more points to that list and just bowl you over, right?


But I won’t because you can see the basic classes for yourself, at no cost. And  you learn things in the right sequence, step by step, you won’t get overwhelmed.


You will also have access to the comments and Q&A’s in each lesson.


Even though there is a lot to learn, there is no other way to do it and no better way to do it.


Like with anything, you learn it best with meticulous instruction and application.


You will do the steps as you go and actually publish your blog online.


If you continue with a $49.00 per month membership, you will learn about WordPress and how to edit, update and improve your web site whenever needed.


I decided not to go with ClickBank’s training because where I was already learning how to make a good blog, there was  much more in the training.


So much so, that the professionals in the member community stick around to learn and share the constant updates in good online business practices that appear on a regular basis.


Are you ready to check out how you might make money on line promoting a product(s) that you are enthusiastic about?


Are you ready to start studying every day with your morning/evening/midnight coffee or tea, and your computer?


Here is where to go!



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