What Is 365 Perpetual Income
What is 365 Perpetual Income – and can seniors or the disabled at home (or anyone) make money with this online business system?
I came across this system at Clickbank – a huge marketplace on line showcasing vendors who have written ebooks or put together systems to make money online.
I don’t think it is a scam – but its presentation doesn’t reveal all the costs inherent in making the system work.
Nor does it reveal the level of knowledge a web site owner needs to truly make this system work in a timely fashion.
You can get initial access to the system for $9.00. Sounds good, right?
After that it is $47.00 a month to stay in.
Oh but there is more. The user will need to establish a Clickbank account – and that is a normal thing if you want to be an affiliate for any Clickbank vendor.
And almost right away, before you know more details about what you’re potentially buying, you need to sign up for an email marketing system (paid by you).
And that is the user’s (your) cost.
If you want to learn how to make a good business blog, for free, right now –
In the Perpetual Income 365 business purchse, there are more services available that rack up another approximate $400.00, that you would need to acquire (these are called “upsells”) in order to get this system running so you can make money.
So there is no real scam here, but you get the information you need to run this business, on kind of a slow drip.
In this system, you will generate leads for selling – this system.
Collecting leads is a big deal in business, both off and on line.
Yet all your activity would be inside this system which will, for a couple of hundred dollars, email your leads automatically, with your affiliate link (a link identifying You so you get a commission on a sale).
And here comes my first objection to the Perpetual Income 365 system.
If you work it for a while, and then discontinue it, all your captured leads go to the owner.
No, you cannot take those leads, for example, if you have decided to build your own blog and promote another product or business system.
You will have paid for ads, promoted and sold access to Perpetual Income 365, and paid for automated promotions to go to these leads, but they are not your leads.
And more, you will lose all the pending commissions gleaned from those promotions. The Perpetual Income 365 owner will keep those.
Clickbank guarantees a 60 day money back refund if you don’t like any product you bought through Clickbank.
But the Perpetual Income 365 creator does not.
If you quit, the system takes all.
So for me? I don’t think so. I can’t recommend this business system to you.
Why? Because if you’re going to spend a few hundred dollars to get a business system going, and run a web site and set up an email promotions system to make sales – I think you should OWN IT.
And own everything about it, into perpetuity. It should be yours.
All the readers you get to your web site(s), all the email addresses you may capture, all the affiliate commissions you may generate – all those things should be yours.
No one should be able to withold them from you.
For instance, at this blog, Seniors Work From Home Jobs, I recommend the affiliate training secrets I discovered that enabled me to build this web site (and a few more).
And I recommend it for you, for you to build a blog or blogs, that can be monetized (built for business the right way).
The place where I learned to blog properly can teach you everything that the Perpetual Income 365 product can teach you, and much much more.
It can teach you how to set up a blog with the correct legalities and disclosures for global readership. It can teach you how to write good blog posts with an attractive format.
It shows you how to add images to your blog articles, and tells you where to find pictures and photographs you can use for free, or for pay.
Perhaps you are retired or are planning to retire, and you will need more money than your Social Security payments?
Perhaps you cannot work outside of your home, but you need more income than you have to be comfortable and healthy?
You can make a decent income with affiliate marketing, or promoting someone else’s product for a commission.
You just need to learn how to make a blog designed for business. It doesn’t happen overnight, there are many skills to learn.
None of them are super tricky or difficult, it’s just that you won’t have heard of them unless you get good blog training.
For example, how did you find this particular blog post today?
You searched in Google or Duck Duck Go or Bing, with some search words like “build a good blog” or “make money on line” and here you are.
That is no accident. I created this blog and this post, in order to help you find the information you’re looking for.
And to help you avoid a lesser-than business opportunity.
But how did I do that?
I learned some secrets to blogging and getting found on the massively huge world wide web. I mean, what are the chances?
If you learn how to make a good blog, it’s not chance. You learn how to get an advantage over the enormous competition and get your blog read.
This is all teachable – whether you’re promoting a woodworking information package, a build-your-own-bunker e-book, or whatever you’d enjoy promoting.
Almost everyone has a passion – a deep interest – in something. It could be a career field, or a life-long hobby – something you love to talk about and inspire admiration for.
What is your favorite topic or product you just can’t stop talking about when given the chance? Because blog writing is a lot like talking.
It is conversational and easy to follow. If your audience finds you, they will love your intensity and attention to details, that a general dinner party crowd may fail to appreciate.
But that is one of the beautiful secrets to blog writing – knowing how to get found by the exact people who want your information or expertise.
With the right training, you can learn those secrets and build your own perpetual income revenue. And you will own it.
The training I recommend starts off free – for one week you can get access to the ten basic blog building lessons which you can view and follow, and build a real web site.
This basic creation is done for you, but not removed from your control. You will then learn how to add all the pages you need and then learn how to write content for your chosen topic.
Most likely you will continue with another month of classes, for a discount price of $19.00 USD. Wow – you can do a lot in a month!
And by then you will see what this web site offers, how much you can learn, and how you can generate a real income.
This is a real low risk opportunity for a test drive!
You came here for a reason!
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Thanks for this review on 365 perpetual income, which I never heard of. And I did a lot of these product reviews myself. Looks like these guys at least are quite open about their business, hence your conclusion that it is not a scam. I fully agree with you that not owning the work you will be doing is a serious flaw and thanks for the warning.
I am a bit confused about what this lead is you are talking about and selling those. Especially when later on you talk about buying products from Clickbank. Is this the same or is there a difference?
Well, I see why you can’t recommend this one at all to anyone. I am looking for a way for my aunt to start making money from home but it seems like I haven’t found a good one yet still. I mean no body wants to work and pay some money only for the whole business to be owned by another person at the end of the day. I won’t be doing this one. Thanks.
Thanks for your input here Payton. I hope your aunt finds something to affiliate with. I got started with a Clickbank product and a free blogger blog. I wonder if she has a hobby that is related to a Clickbank product. Good luck to her!