What Is An Internet Marketing Course
“I will sign up as an affiliate…and sometimes even the next day…there are 10s of thousands of dollars in commissions…just sitting there.”
This is what one course author claims about his internet marketing course.
Whoa! What is an internet marketing course? What is “Copy And Paste”?
Who said that? Ewen Chia. And how can that be true?
Well, it’s not.
If that were true, don’t you think you would have heard about that person before now? Like on the evening news? Repeatedly?
And wouldn’t you have heard about his hundreds of students who were making that money now? Here is a screenshot of one of their earnings.
Instructions? “If you have a list, no matter how big or small, send these to them now!” And he provides emails to send people.
But wait! What’s “a list”? Why would you send them these emails? And there are twitter messages and classified ads for you to use:
“He made $6,361.95 in one weekend…
all with a simple copy paste job!
Click Here To See How You Can Too…”
But wait again! You have to pay for classified ads, right?
So what are you copy and pasting here? Emails (where’s your list/what is an email list), classified ads – placed where – and wherever, you pay for it.
Here is more about what you can promote…which means you buy it too, right? So you know what you’re promoting? The same thing you’re buying! Ewen says:
“The product really works as said and now you can…
Earn 60% Commissions Or Up To $477.00 With Just ONE Affiliate Link!
Here’s a quick summary of the commissions you’ll make with Copy Paste Income:
Front-end offer $37: Your commissions = $22.20 One-time offer $67: Your commissions = $40.20 Backend offer $197: Your commissions = $118.20 Backend offer $197: Your commissions = $118.20 Backend offer $297: Your commissions = $178.20 Your Total Commissions: $477.00! |
It looks like there are upsells, or “additional offers” after your referred buyers spend $37.00.
That is not a lot of money these days and it’s not a big rip-off, but this table above shows that the offer is for your buyer to spend $477.00 – almost 10 times the initial offer!
Is it a scam? Kinda sorta, but not altogether. Because as confusing as the sales page is, someone with time and a few hundred dollars to spend can make something out of this.
But would I recommend it for making money online? No.
Sadly, I remember Ewen Chia from over a decade ago when I was first trying out internet marketing. I bought a couple of his courses and it wasn’t a lot of money.
I didn’t become a success like he did, and why not? It was because every thing he taught and sold centered around a person having, or being able to build, a viable web site from where they could sell or promote products.
And he didn’t teach that.
And he’s still not teaching that. He’s selling a “secret” hidden somewhere in his sales page. Kidding me? I have to figure that out and buy something?
Where does a person learn to develop “a viable web site from where they could sell or promote products.”?
Who IS teaching that?
For no money upfront, I can direct you where to start learning how to build a business designed web site, and where you will build one and see it published online before your eyes!
(There will be almost no “Copy And Paste” – except for legally required pages which are available to copy and paste on this site, inserting your site’s name where needed. Easy – peasy! )
Ewen Chia offers a few promotional banners which are images linked to your affiliate link (for his Copy And Paste product) via which you can be paid commissions if people join up for $37.00, (and further upsells) not being as baffled as I am by the “secret” in the sales page that is going to make me money.
This Seniors Work From Home Jobs blog, where you are right now, is aimed at helping seniors (or anyone) work from home with real professional training as to how to make a good blog.
What to write about? Pick a hobby or product, or line of products, that you love to talk about.
You can become an affiliate marketer for many vendors and products – yet you do have to build a blog.
No Copy And Paste needed- because you are creative and experienced in some things that perhaps you had a long career in and can now share your experiences with people who are looking for your expertise or knowledgeable referral to products or information that will help them.
You can learn how to build a blog that helps people find what they are looking for online.You can discuss the benefits of your chosen product and build out a site with lots of useful information.
There are techniques you will need to know in order to get seen when people search on the search engines, for information about whichever topic you’re writing about and promoting.
These are all easy to learn (and I am so thankful I found a place online where I could learn to build a business web site):
- The technique of becoming visible on Google and other search engines
- The technique of formatting a blog post
- The technique of adding images to your posts, the right way
- The technique of placing social media Share buttons on your posts
- Knowing how to include the required legal pages and disclosures on your site…
…And much more!
No “10’s of thousands of dollars” overnight…But real training for a real business that you are mostly going to invest time in. You are already paying for, or have paid for:
- A computer – desk top or laptop or both
- An internet connection
- Electrical power
- A roof over your head, house, apartment or RV
- A coffee pot or teapot for every morning – right?
And how much time do you have to learn how to build a blog the right way – for free?
Got seven days?
Because where I can direct you to set up a free account for access to training classes is a web site that has trained thousands of professional marketers, since 2005.
And you can participate in the basic training classes for one week, and build two sites for no money. Real sites which you will see on line, and they are yours. Simple as that!
Yes there is a cost to ongoing training. But do some training, and then evaluate how you want to proceed.
(You will not be asked for any payment method when you join for free. No personal data is gathered at all.)
If you’re excited enough about this type of business to have found my blog post about it, you’re really going to like this instruction method, connecting you to Q&A’s and classroom discussion about all the aspects of blog building.
You will view videos demonstrating exactly how to write and format your blog posts.
You will not have to learn any code! Learning how to make a good blog can’t get any easier.
That doesn’t mean you don’t have to have commitment and consistency – this is a real business you’re building that can make you money (not overnight!) for years to come.
The rules and trends of succeeding on line are periodically changing, and that is another bonus to belonging to a pro community – updates are posted as they happen.
So are you ready to try it?